Hello, and welcome to this instruction post for my book kits.
I have included plenty of pictures and step by step instructions and I trust that you will enjoy the creative process. (No kit? No problem, look on my website: neelzexpressionz.com )
The instructions are divided into two sections. Firstly is the covers, and section 2 is the inner pages. As all my kits are supplied totally un-decorated, I will point out places and recommendations for decorating which you may find helpful though obviously, how you decorate is determined by your personal style.
Shall we begin?
The covers:
1. Place fabric for spine onto a non stick mat and coat with PVA glue (be generous)
2. place spine centrally onto glued surface and press firmly in place.
3. Add the two covers to either side leaving approximately 5mm gap between the spine and the covers (both sides
4. Fold fabric over both the top and bottom and press in place (add a little more glue if needed.) Then place a weight on top and leave to dry.
5. When dry you have your basic cover, ready for the next part; adding the decorative overlay or/and elements.
It can be easier to glue the front cover and lay the overlay down. Lay a weight over and leave to dry.
Elements can be glued and laid down individually.
6. Once your cover is dry and secure, you can decorate and embellish away. Now is a good time to paint the inside edges of your cover too. ( Before painting I tend to use a good quality gesso to prime the cover and edges.)
7. Now you are ready to prepare the spine for binding. (if you have a paper guide then cut it out. If you don't then you will need to cut a piece of paper the size of the spine and mark as seen on the photo)
8. Then, lay the cover onto a thick piece of foam, a mouse mat or cutting mat to protect your worksurface. Use an awl to make holes through the spine using the dots as a guide, taking care not to move the template.
9. Once all the holes have been made; lift the cover off the mat and, using the awl, push through to widen the hole to make it easier when it is time to thread the pages.
Once your covers have been painted and decorated, add end papers. Cut two pieces of decorated card/paper slightly smaller than the covers and glue down
Time for the inside of your book.
The amount of pages for your book will be determined by the type and thickness of the paper you use. so you might have to play a little to get the right amount for you. For this example I am using 200gsm smooth white card (A4 size for an A5 signature)
1. Working on a clean surface (with clean hands!) take five sheets of card, fold in half and use a bone folder to neaten the fold.
2. Use a craft blade and metal ruler on a cutting mat to neaten. Line up with the top page and trim down. Repeat for all signatures.
3. If you haven't a guide, cut a piece of card to the size of the signature and use the markings from the spine guide to mark the paper punch holes. Lay as shown. If you do not have a stitching cradle then hold as shown on a foam mat and cutting mat to protect your surface.
4. Punch holes with an awl. Repeat for the other signatures, keeping everything lined up.
Putting everything together.
1.Divide your binding cord into equal pieces and thread one onto a large eye needle. Starting from the outside back corner, push the needle and thread through the cover and pull through, leaving a "tail" of thread.
2. Pick up a signature and push needle and thread through the top hole as per photo below.
Go out of the signature bottom.
Go out of the base of the cover.
Hold both ends and adjust to equal length.
Knot off at the top keeping the tension tight. Don't trim the ends after knotting yet.
Repeat for the other signatures. Now you can get creative with the ends. Tie beads etc, weave the excess threads to create a decorative finish, trim ends and glue the knots.
There will be examples of my books here on the blog to give you an idea of what I do.
Hope you enjoy.
Take care