Thursday, 30 August 2012

Altered book pages

Good morning everyone.
I hope you are well. In the midst of the chaos that is my life this week I managed to carve out a bit of time to work on my altered book so thought I'd share it with you.
The book itself is a fantasy art book I picked up at a boot fair ages ago because it has some illustrations of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein in it that I have loved since I was 2 bricks and a tikkie high (Good old SA saying meaning very small!)
A while ago I decided that I would work on the book and alter it by working over the images I didn't want and creating my own collection of art that speaks to me as well as making my own art on the pages too.
So here are the first two finished pages.
 This is the first page; the introduction if you like. I've added tissue paper, paint, gesso through a mask as well as stamping and writing onto the page.

 This page is somewhere in the middle of the book. It has pockets and flaps to hide things and pop tags into . Mainly worked over the imagery with black paint before adding tags and bits to it.
 I love the words; I also like how by using a black marker on the black paint turns the writing almost coppery.

I'm enjoying working on this as I have a bit of time. Often I'll just add paint onto a page before leaving the studio so it can dry overnight so slowly but surely I'm removing the stuff that does not "speak" to me leaving a blank place for me to add things that inspire me.

Before I go I must tell you that The Craft Barn has an AMAZING follower candy; over £150.00 worth of fab goodies for one lucky follower. Click the picture on the top right side of my blog to get all the details! If you don't follow yet then I can tell you that you are missing out on some fabulous tutorials and inspiration!

Have a truly blessed day today. I need to go Uni shopping!


Claudia N. said...

Wonderful altered book art, Neelz!!!

Love your approach, using illustrated pages and thus creating a dialog between "speaking art" and the artist's soul.


die amelie xx

mark gould said...

cool pages, I really like the second one, Nice and dark ;)