Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Hochanda debut...

 Well good morning

As ususal, it's been a crazy period. Last week I was frantically prepping for my "big moment" on the telly lol! Like every new adventure I didn't know what to expect as you can watch as many episodes as you like but it is not the same as actually being on the other side of the camera....

I am so grateful for the opportunity though. Hochanda have been brilliant and I believe I wasn't too embarrassing on the day so we're all good

I couldn't resist a few sneaky shots. It is such a cool space and setting up was pretty amazing too.

The cameras are staring at you all the time and it is a tad disconcerting but  I guess over time you get used to them.

It was brill seeing everything laid out though.

My daughter nabbed a screen shot lol......

All too soon it was over. Then I had a moment to relax as begin to take it in. After a pack up and a chat it was back to the hotel for breakfast with Susan before making the long trip home.

I do want to say a massive thank you to EVERYONE who contacted me both before, during and after the show with such lovely messages of support and encouragement. It meant a lot and of course for everyone who has placd an order I am beyond grateful. I have been picking sorting and packing away like a little Christmas elf....... the postman just looked at me when I walked in yesterday, so who knows what he will say today lol

Excitingly, they have offered me the opportunity to return which is fab news. Not sure if it will be this year or next but you'll be the first to know.......

Moving forward I thought that over the few weeks I would begin to show some of the samples in more detail as I know that there was a lot to see. 

I'll see you then, then. Enjoy your day, I'm off to the post office.....



Sioux P said...

Hi Neil,
So glad it went well.
Unfortunately I was working and planned on watching on catchup but it was the only one not available. Any idea why?
So disappointed

Neil said...

Unfortunately, there was a minor mix up with the stencil bundle display being different to the website so it could have been confusing for customers so it was not put on catch up. It is a pity but understandable. I am back in November so I will triple check everything lol