
Tuesday 1 October 2019

It's been crazy

Hi there folks.

Brushing the dust off this blog yet again. It has been over a year since we bought our house in Cumbria and began the journey to transform it into our forever home and I'll be honest, it is swallowing up an awful amount of my time as you can appreciate I am sure.
I am feeling rather lost, rootless and in a weird creative limbo land without a studio space and my life is in boxes..... Hence the lack of posts.
Though I have been creative, it has been mainly centred around making books for my Etsy store and for the gallery that stocks some of my work with very little personal creativity.
This is probably one of the few simple things I did, doodle on some slate pieces....

I did not want this blog to turn into a space that just promoted my Etsy so I have been very reluctant to post but I thought I would just pop on and update you a bit.

If you are interested in our house renovation and life journey you can pop on over to our blog HERE to be kept in the loop, especially now as it is getting a little bit closer to the exciting bits....

I have my Etsy store obviously which I would love it if you popped on over for a look and perhaps find something that takes your fancy LOL You can find my shop HERE

I have a head full of plans, dreams and hopes and there is a lot of exciting things in the pipeline for the new year so I do hope you will stick around for that. This blog should get more exciting again I promise.

And if you are local to Brough, Kirkby Stephen in Cumbria. I am at the Brough Farmer's market on the third Saturday of the month (19th October,16th November and 21st December) and would love to see you there and the Taint Modern gallery in Kirkby Stephen has a selection of my work there too.

Thanks a bunch for still being around here, things will get interesting again . I am hoping to be able to start work on my studio space soon.......thing can only get better when I have a creative space again.
Take care.

1 comment:

Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!