
Monday 28 September 2020

Pulling the dust sheets off yet again

Good evening folks.
Assuming that someone is still going to see this post of course. It's funny how blogging seems to have taken a back seat to the likes of Instagram and Facebook. However, I have been feeling the need to pick up the reigns again. 
2020 began with such promise, it then took an unexpected turn didn't it? I'll be honest, it has not been the easiest of times. Having to re think plans and change direction when everything we had been working towards in our new business was suddenly closed, cancelled or on hold was challenging to say the least.
But adept we did, and opportunities are beginning to unfurl slowly.......
But first, I'd like to give you a glimpse into my new creative space, The barn conversion took a while I have to confess to still be filled with gratitude to be able to call this space my studio.

I have surrounded myself with inspiration and different areas to work in and no doubt I will share more over time.

Happily doing what I love....
Making books!
This corner is my painting corner....
Anyway, I'm keeping this short and simple, it will be interesting to see if anyone is out there lol.
But I'll be back later to share a bit more about our new creative life.......


  1. Good to hear from you Neil and to see your new creative space.

  2. Awesome to see your post Neil.. personally I prefer blogs, although I do FB and Instagram too. Love seeing your new workspace.. you're such a creative soul.. glad your new business is on the upswing.. stay safe!!

  3. Hi Neil, lovely to see your blog post. I always enjoyed them. Don’t really do facebook and no idea about Instagram, so thank you. Lovely to see your workspace, looks like a very inspirational place.

  4. Nice to hear from you again, your workspace looks amazing

  5. Very envious of your creative work space. Looking forward to following the blog again and seeing your creations xx

  6. I al loving your creative space Neil.... looking amazing... suits you to a T!!

  7. I'm always glad to hear from you, Neil. I don't do instagram or Facebook, so I'm glad you're still doing your blog. What a great work space you have, lucky you!
    Blessings to you and your family,

  8. Great to see you Neil, I don’t do Facebook or Instagram either, I love your workspace and it’s good to see you are still making the beautiful books.
    How is the house renovations going, haven’t seen anything in quite a while

  9. Just clocked in on the off chance and here you are again! So nice to see your settled into your work space and look forward to seeing more of your exquisite work. Mrs A.

  10. Love that youre back posting, I don't do facebook or Instagram So love looking at blogs. You have moved into one of my favorite creas and I love the photos of your space. Good luck with all your plans, great to see your work.


Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!