
Monday 1 April 2019

Back to changes.

Hi there friends.
I hope you are well.
This afternoon I am sharing more art than craft in some ways. Though I think that the lines between the two are so blurred that it is difficult to discern. In my opinion Creativity is what you are and creative expression encompasses all genres.
This is me going back to where it all began for me. As a child I picked up a pen and was entranced. Growing up I was never far from pen and paper and slowly as the decades passed, time became filled with other things and pens gathered dust.

Recently I have, as part of our new creative and slower living dream, picked up my pens again. Not to design stamps, sketch up new book designs but rather, for the sheer joy and exuberance of drawing for drawing's sake.
These are the results. Three A3 sea creatures, Octopus, Sea Turtle and Humpback Whale.

 I enjoyed the process of re discovering the way to use the pens more creatively than just drawing lines, crosshatching, scratching etc.

 Next up was the Turtle. I last did one of these in pencil when I was still at school.

 Last up is the whale.



It is interesting looking at all three to see how much the style of drawing has changed over the course of it. Though I look at them and see plenty of flaws and areas to improve, overall I am happy with them. One of the challenges of working in pen is of course, that you can't just erase parts and start again!
I think they may end up as a limited print run and perhaps cards too, what do you think?

Hope you have a good afternoon

1 comment:

  1. I think these drawings are beautiful!! All 3 animal drawings would make fabulous prints, and the cards are a great idea, too. Sign me up for the #1 print of the octopus, please--I absolutely LOVE it! Your ability with pencils is amazing; I would be happy to have 1/8 of your talent!
    Best Wishes,
    Robin (aka Roberta)


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