
Wednesday 6 April 2011

WOYWW #96 Tidy Tidy

Good morning peeps; yes, it's that time again to head over to Julia at Stamping Ground and show the world your creative space.....
I don't know about you but every now and again I just HAVE to have a bit of a re-organise. This was that kind of week!
So there's not much happening on my desk but here it is
So not much on the desk but on the left I added a metal basket to the door to organise my glues, embossing powders etc that I use all the time. Just peeking out at the back of my pullout are 8 really useful boxes (which definately live up to their name!)
But the biggest change is to my bits and bobs tray which used to be on the left. Well, I was looking at the cupboard the other day and thought that the second pullout shelf was a waste of space but because it was angled I cuold not put stuff on it and still close it. So I hauled it out, measured my bits tray and took a saw too it and cut some spaces to fit my trays (I had two, one was not used)
So now I have a lovely second pullout and loads of my stuff is easily accessable, YAY!

Sorry, not trying to turn you all green but I'm pleased with it as I need to SEE my stuff when I am looking for something to add to a project!
Then I have started hanging some stuff on the right hand door so it cheers me up.

So there you have it, not much work in progress but a very organised space waiting to be used!
Ps, tomorrow my first Guest design project goes onto the Craft Barn Blog if you want to head over there and take a look and if you do please leave a comment if you like it!
And; on Friday afternoon; I will have an ANNOUNCEMENT to make so pop on by then!
Until then, be blessed wherever you are and whatever you are doing.


  1. OOoh, I wonder what the announcement is......... ;) Fab desk space as ever Neil. Love the display section, I display lots of things above my desk, it never fails to make me smile and inspire me! Hugs, Lisa (Sparkle) :)

  2. Wow -that is so lovely and tidy - love all your little drawers full of goodies

  3. Me too Lisa I feel so naughty knowing!!! Love this tiday desk Neil - as you saw at the retreat Im such a messy crafter my desk is rarely this tidy! Think I need a tidy up though as I got all my stuff out last night for the card class and need to put it all back again. Ive only shared my desk the once i'm such a messy pup LOL have a great day and cant wait till Friday!

  4. Neil, you just prove that you don't need lots of space in order to be creative. I do of course! Have you seen my new space!?! but you seem to get by with your natty little cupboard and you turn out some amazing stuff. Cheers Kasey

  5. Two trays for me to traul my mucky fingers through! I'm not just green with envy I'm very sick.
    Thanks for the tip off. I wondered where he gets to at night!!
    Mrs A. #67

  6. I know exactly what you mean about having to see stuff!!! LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  7. If I come back for another look, do you think 'tidy' will rub off?
    Sue xx 82

  8. Your working area and work are both amazing!
    Sue xx 82

  9. Ooh, look forward to Friday then! Your reorganised space looks great, as always.

  10. fabulous drawers - just what I need for my embellie Deli.... Will check out the CB blog!!
    Thanks for sharing your space today. Have a fab week...
    Sarah (sasa at 2)

  11. Wow, what a cool change to your desk. I also get that need every now and then to make changes to my workspace and get organised...

  12. Wauwww a very organized desk !!

    Happy Wednesday ;-)

  13. Great re-org Neil, when you only have a small space you have to make it work for you and your desk is an engineering feat all in itself!

    Brenda 98

  14. I love your desk and all those little cubbies of goodies!! This is my first time playing is so fun taking a peek inside your work area!

  15. well organised desk - and love the idea of sticking the tags on the back of the door... sadly my door is full with ribbons, but I still have a little bit of wall somewhere... Thanks for Sharing and hope you have a happy WOYWW. Caroline (No 31 x)

  16. I just love all that organisation but love the goodies inside even more. Your sek is tidy but glad to see it's not perfect and there is still some mess there. We can't have a perfectly tidy desk can we?
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca (48)

  17. Wow you have loads of fab goodies....and so well organised too!!

  18. Genius! Perfect way to control and store the trays..and I love the idea of the rack for the esentials. Most I love the artwork on display...some great pieces. But really most - I'm pleased for you because your desk is BIGGER now....think of the extra room to mess up!!

  19. Absolutely perfect the way you restructured that shelf to fit your needs. I am definitely green with envy here! Very nice art work on the door!

  20. Really like the shallow drawers for husband will be thrilled...ANOTHER project for him to build. Thanks for the visit. So glad to meet you and visit your wonderful work space.

  21. Mm Neil, definitely green over here. and loving the organisation too great re-think never goes astray...thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW!
    Shaz in oz.x #25

  22. It all looks fab Neil!! I love all your bits and bobs... Looking forward tom your announcement nudge nudge!!

  23. wow, you have so many awesome looking goodies tidied away in that lovely organised desk.

    blessings to you from Angela (#123)

  24. Hi Neil, love the way you have organised your desk with all those embellishments handily placed. And, I can see how that door will now cheer you up. Elizabeth x #108

  25. Your bits and bobs are fantastically organised Neil. I'm more than green with envy and I love all the projects on your door. It's great to be able to admire stuff isn't it!!
    Hugs Lisax

  26. Late again. Love all your organised bits and pieces, really wish I could be! Great ark work on display as always, your tags are fabulous. Happy very late WOYWW ((Lyn))


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