
Thursday 7 April 2011

My first guest design for the Craft Barn

Good morning all you lovely people. I'd like to say a HUGE welcome to my new followers, you are very welcome and I am so glad you have joined my little merry band. I trust that the snippits I share of my creative journey will inspire and encourage you. It never ceases to thrill me when some arrive and decides to stay! Bless you all and  hope you are all well.
Today is exciting for me .....Yes, today is the day when my first guest design is up on the Craft Barn blog. This week we are playing with glitter. Michelle did a fab step by step yesterday and today it is Chris and myself having a play.
 Here's a pic to whet your appetite (well I hope it does!) So do pop over to see all the details and step by steps........
Don't forget to leave us a comment while you are there; it's always important to get feedback!
I'll be back later today, hopefully anyway....... but be blessed!


  1. off to check out the deets, looks an interesting piece you have created....

  2. Neil, this is just stunning! Just seen the full details on craft Barn's blog, but I had to come here too!

  3. Hi there, looks totally yum, I'm off for a better look, have a great day:0) xx

  4. Oh my! That looks great! Off to check it out further!


Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!