
Monday 7 March 2011

Colour splash time at the Play Date Cafe 71

Hi there everyone.
Hopefully your weekend was less eventful than mine. Out yesterday my wife tripped and split her lip and hurt her hand. Said she was fine so carried on but this morning she confessed that something did not feel right so off to A&E just to see. Yep, one broken hand now safely plastered up! The things some people do just to get out of things......... no seriously, I'm glad it was not worse.
So did not get much done but I did manage to finish off some of my floral experiments and used one on this tag which is for the colour splash over at The Play Date Cafe.
I cut a tag out of glossy white paper and stamped the filigree butterfly. Splash of colour by edging the tag in broken china distress ink and then cut a tag out of acetate, embossed with a circles folder (Tim Holtz) and added the flower which is made by using Tim's Fanciful flight die butterfly wings (The how to do is here)
Some of the details

Have a good day everyone and be blessed......


  1. hello Neil,

    great to discover you thought out of the box !
    The flowers look very delicate with the butterfly wings.

    I hope you don't have to do much housework and don't have time to create reading your wife has a broken hand ! :)
    I wish her a speedy recovery !

    greetings from belgium

  2. I am amazed you were able to do something at all considering the eventful weekend you had...and it is so pretty. The flower sets things off and i love the distress ink you used. I hope your wife is not in too much pain..these things can come up later. Aren't I a ray of sunshine:) Hoping she is well

  3. Love that flower so well in black and white

  4. Hi Neil
    Hope your wife is feeling ok x what a shame, especially considering hands are so useful!!!
    Love your flower made from the Fanciful Flight die, how original. Thanks for sharing.
    Cheers Lisa and Elaine @ Destination Art Western Australia

  5. You are so clever. This is just lovely. The touch of acetate is awesome - I love that technique though I don't seem to use it much.


  6. Neil - sorry to hear about your wife - glad she is all wrapped up now so the healing can begin.... Love your tag - what a fun concept with the butterfly wings! Thanks for playing along at the Play Date Cafe :)

  7. Gorgeous! That flower is stunning! Thanks for the how-to link! Thank you, also, for playing along with us in The Cafe! I hope your wife's hand heals quickly!

  8. Your tag is very pretty and on close inspection it is clear how much work has gone into it.
    It was quite eyecatching even from a tiny icon amongst many. I hope your wife feels more comfortable now!! Take care of her!!
    Sue xxx


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