
Wednesday 9 February 2011


Yes; it's that time of the week again! Everybody heads over to Julia at the Stamping Ground to see what everyone is getting up to on their desks.
Today there is nothing finished to show you just a whole lot of bits so here goes!

What do we have here? In the middle are some test runs of my new embossing folders and then there are some other idea-ology bits that I haven't packed away yet. On the left is some metal tape which I got at Stamperama too so I can finally get to use my memory glass which I've had for ages but not used in case it broke! (They are on the left) So, in preperation for that my tin of alcohol inks is sitting on my tray of bits and bobs (Which is looking remarkabley tidy as I have just sorted it out!)
Then at the back in the little plastic tub are some die cuts, in copper, gold and silver that I cut last night

I'll post about these later in the week, as they are pretty cool. You'll have to wait and see what I do! You can just see a tag in the right of the photo.  That was playing with gilding flakes for the first time. Amazing stuff.

So, there you have it. My desk today. Now i'm off to look at some desks.........
Be blessed in your art today


  1. Lovely things on your desk. Also love your work in the CS Gallery.

  2. We must have passed in the crowd on Sunday - I bought loads more than I should. Love your desk today though, especially that tin of inks!

  3. Hi ya
    wow lots of lovely things to cast ones eye over, luv the gilding flakes piccie, never played with that stuff, have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(11)

  4. wow lovely creative desk this week.Love the tag on the right.Never used gilding flakes but looking good!Just love the T/Holtz goodies.Have fab wednesday.

  5. Your desk seems to have all you need...lovely Valentine project in the previous post....if you go to Paper Craft Planet to check out the bow tying tutorial, you may have to join first (just a formality). Then go to Tutorials and scroll down a bit. It isn't under "B". I think under "H" for How.... Lol. Enjoy your WOYWW tour.... And thx for visiting!

  6. I'd love to poke around your room, Neil! Such interesting bits and bobs. Can't wait to see a finished project with those gilding flakes. Beautiful! xxD

  7. Looking just great - so much creativity from that little craft desk!

    sarah at 17

  8. You have everything in such a good order! I have never done anything with gilding flakes - they look interesting!

  9. Love the natural look of your desk today Neil, great colours too and that tag is amazing. Looks like you're having a boat load of fun!

    Brenda 89

  10. Great pics. Thank you for sharing.

    Maggie #76

  11. Lots of goodies here. So much creativity...Love your space!

  12. I keep meaning to have a go with gilding flakes, but every time I find they are sold out. One of these days.......

  13. Pure Patience you must have it in abundance to use guilding flakes! I've got some and make the most enormous mess when using them they are so feather light and have a life of their own.

    I've just discovered your blog and had a bit of a look around and just love your style, it's very unique. I'd like to present you with a Stylish Blogger Award, please stop by my blog and collect it.



  14. Guilding flakes? You have my full attention. Tell me more!!
    Mrs A. #83

  15. Loads of fun, I've used gilding but not in flakes on tissue and on acetate roll, a lot easier to use and used it with gilding size too which is another lazy tool. love you stash soo fascinating and also love your verse a day too,
    Shaz in oz.x

  16. Wow, Can't wait to see the finished product

  17. Love your desk its so organised everything seem to have a place - when I get new things I have to have a play before I put them away - never tried gilding - from a fellow Kent crafter ~ Nicky no.9

  18. Lots of possible creations waiting to happen. Enjoyed browsing your blog very much love that Valentine banner!!! Awesome!

  19. Great desk! Love all the Tim bits you have laying around. I really need to find another tin box to stash some stuff in. Thanks for sharing.

  20. First, very jealous of you alchol ink tin!! And I can't wait to see more of the gilding flakes...I've never played with those either!
    Star 102

  21. Love the tin, still haven't got any alcohol inks yet, no one near me sells it... Always wanted to play with gold flakes.Happy WOYWW


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