
Wednesday 9 February 2011

Valentine challenge journey - the end of the road....

So, now you have 14 ATC's....... mine look like this
It's a bit difficult to see the detail  because of the size (But you have got all the individual ones in the previous posts!)
To string them together I first cut 14 pieces of paper cut slightly smaller than the original ATC and put some double sided tape on the top edge. I started to lay out the white cards, attaching the ribbon to the sticky tape. (remember to leave a bigger gap between the different words) At the end make another loop in the ribbon. Then I went back and added a dollop of glossy accents onto the top of the ribbon on each card and laid the atc on top. Leave to dry (I used glossy accents but you can use any craft glue, use glue rather than another sticky tape as it will soak into the ribbon and be more secure.

To give the banner as a "card" I put mine into a small suitcase that I coloured with colourwash (MESSY!)

Now I am looking forward to seeing your creations so post your finished project on your blog and come here to leave me a comment and link your post. You have until the 15th February to post. I will then draw 2 random entries to win those lovely prizes.
(For those who do not have a blog, please leave a comment and email the picture of your finished project to me at:
Now, I need to try to get the linky thingy sorted so i'll see you later!


  1. The finished project is so amazing! Love the little suitcase for delivery! Loved every day of this, Neil! xxxD

  2. Well there you go Neil, hope you like it, have really enjoyed myself. Hugs Heidi x

  3. Lovely! I hope your wife enjoys them!
    You really made us work hard, but I made it! I had FUN!

  4. great workspace, and wonderful blog. had a nosey around and you have some truly beautiful projects.

  5. I have sent you my photos by e-mail, yesterday, 2/10/2011. Thank you for such a great time in creating these treasures. I don't know if you can see it in the photos, but each day I could feel myself loosening up and not being so afraid to make a "mistake". Really, really enjoyed stepping out of my comfort zone!! Thanks for the leadership, Neil. Linda S.


Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!