
Thursday 10 February 2011

Stylish Blogger award

Morning all.
I was touched and flattered yesterday to be given this award by Kasey of kaseyscraftcorner Thank you very much.
Thank you Kasey.
In accepting this I'm to share 8 things you don't know about me and to pass it on to 8 other people.

So; 8 things about me

I LOVE icecream, no matter what the weather (I have been seen consuming said delights in the rain and gales of the english winter)

I geocache. (Hunting for containers of "treasure" using a GPS and co-ordinates)

I think that Robin Hobb is one of the greatest fantasy authors around and I love her work. ( I read a lot of fantasy fiction)

Though I'm an Englishman by birth I grew up in Swaziland and South Africa ( I even played cricket with one of the Swazi princes)

I've walked in the Kruger National Park and had the dubious "pleasure" of being charged by a buffalo! But I survived to tell the tale!

I used to sew and make clothes (Bet you didn't see that coming!) But that was a LOOOng time ago and times have changed.....

I'm a coffee pot, love my Tassimo, cafietaire, filter and Cafe Nero! Don't do tea, uugh.

I believe that creativity is a gift from God and I am grateful that He gave it to me.

So there you have it, 8 things about me that you did not know before........

Now I'm going to take a bit of time to consider who to send this on to so i'll keep you posted!
Be blessed today

1 comment:

  1. I have finally had a bit of down time, and spent most of it, wide eyed at all the amazing projects you have been up to. Well Done! and thanks for sharing. I have got a few things i want to go try now :-) Happy Crafting


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