
Friday 11 February 2011

playing with stuff

Hi there
Yesterday I was wondering what to do and my eye caught sight of a sheet of acetate that I had discarded from another project so I thought I'd play around a bit. I had previously used some alcohol inks around the edges and some stamped images. I started by adding some more stamped images in stazon then poured the dregs of a bottle of glossy accents into it and smooshed it around. Added some more random drops of alcohol inks and then some micro beads. Took a sheet of white tissue paper and laid it over and pressed it in so it absorbed the glossy accents. When dry I trimmed it down into interesting sections and ended up with  6 different pieces (The largest about 13 x 13 cm) I stuck them onto white glossy paper to show the colours nicely.

The eagle eyed among you will already have noticed that there are only 5 there; that's because I have used one already to make a book! Well, it would have been rude not to use one straightaway, wouldn't it?

So here's the book

Using an 18 x 18 cm sheet of bronze metallic card, I cut out a 12 x 12 cm aperture and mounted the acetate inside and used another 18 x 18 cm piece to close the back neatly. I added autumn rose gilding flakes to the two sides and then decide I wanted to emboss..... problem; too big for the bug! Well, never one to give up i put the corner into the folder and hauled out a rolling pin from the kitch! As you can see, it works, though you won't get as deep an impression.
I used one of the non metal metal die cuts of the fanciful flight to finish. The base layers were coloured with Alcohol ink so yes, that works on these too.
Ps, bind the book BEFORE adding the butterfly!
Some of the details

I like the way this turned out and will probably turn them all into books!
Be blessed today and enjoy your art.


  1. Great make Neil, just love the way those pieces look and the book is fab. I shall have to remember the rolling pin idea, very creative in itself.
    Have a great weekend.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  2. Oh wow they look fab, thank you for showing. Annette

  3. Wow,I am so impressed Neil. Not just these great acrylics but everything in the last few posts. You are so very talented.



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