
Saturday 12 February 2011

The Craft Barn Challenge 3

Hi there everyone, Hope you've squeezed in a bit of creativity time today. Over at the Craft Barn the Technique we have been challenged with is colouring with distress ink as watercolour. Poupette did a lovely tutorial and the other DT members have some very inspiring samples so I think i'll be doing more than one thing with this this week. So do pop over and join in. However, as a practise run I did a tag. (Well, to be honest, a few tags really and this is the only one that did not end up in the bin! Never start doing something like this when you should be getting ready to go to work!)

So, here's the tag

I used gold embossing powder, the stamp is one I have had for years so not sure who it was originally by, but it is very much one of the flower fairys!
Here's a couple of close ups. I was going to turn it into something more than just a tag but my wife has swiped it and it has disappeared into her promise box! So I guess she liked it!

Be blessed in your art.


  1. Neil that's a lovely tag - and it reminds me of an Ardizzone style (not sure how you spell his name but he was a famous book illustrator) the colours are lovely - well done

  2. Beautiful Neil, I'm not surprised it was swiped hehe.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  3. thanks for playing with us !! your tag is sooooooo beautiful

  4. Another gorgeous entry Neil! love your work
    Thank you for playing with us at the Barn


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