
Tuesday 28 June 2016

Time for a "Do Over"

Hi Guys.
Long time no hear. This has been a crazy year for me and many things have been neglected or moved out of focus.
This blog has sadly been one of those things. Some periods in life become almost overwhelming and time seems to be snatched away and you just sit there and watch it leave, unable to summon the energy to fight for it.
Today is the beginning of the re focus effort. From the end of this month some changes that I have made to my creative life come into effect. It is a bitter sweet moment for me and I'll be talking more about that in a later post.
Needless to say, one of the results of the change will be that you will see more of me on here. More projects, more tutorials and more of my creativity and individuality.
For those who have hung in there with me and not written off this blog, thank you.

You can see that I have changed my blog header photo. I've done this to reflect the direction I will be moving in.
 Books and journals will be my focus.

To start my new journey off I will be teaching a book making class for The Craft Barn on Sunday July 10th with a book, entitled, appropriately, "Growth" A book that during the class will get you started but allow you to grow the book by adding further pages over time.

If you would like to share this journey with me, you can find further details HERE.
Until next time. I wish you well.


  1. Hellooooooo :-D So pleased that you have blogged again Neil! Sometimes life does get in the way but I am so pleased that you are going to focus on your books as you are so good at it. I wish you well and look forward to seeing how the future unfolds for you x

  2. Good to see you back on the blog Neil and I'm looking forward to books, books and more books


Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!