
Saturday 19 March 2016

The stranger wanders by...........

Good morning.
I feel like I am wandering through a stormy, dusty creative desert at the moment. Not sure how I got here but I am plodding grimly through it. One staggering step at a time confident that at the end of this journey there will be an oasis of calm.
I'm sure that I am not the only one feeling that the pressures of the everyday are getting more and more each year. Our days are filled  and sometimes over filled and it is difficult the slow down.
Still, we strive and endeavor to do so.
Today, I am sharing the transformation of the project from my last post. (Yes, it has been a VERY long day!)
 So, this was the original project. I loved doing it and the finished piece but as I have nowhere to display it so I changed it to this.......

 I split the piece in half, added thin greyboard pages and turned it into a journal. I stitched burlap to the spine to tie in with the feel of the covers and used the same paints to add colour.

 Hope you like it. I also hope that you have a wonderful and creatively blessed day.
Till next we meet.

ps, over at The CRAFT barn blog today I have an altered letter rack. I'd love it if you would take the time to pop on over for a peek HERE


  1. great to see you and this amazing project!

  2. This is a great idea; your journal is lovely! It is so nice to hear from you, and I wish you less stress and more time to create during the coming spring and summer months. I hope all is well with your family, and please keep sharing your projects with us when you can. Have you had a chance to make any more of your wonderful felt creations?

  3. Neil, thanks for sharing this project and its modification into an object you could use. I tend to be too goal-oriented in my crafting sometimes because I'm not sure what I would do with larger pieces, but you've inspired me to see that you can still enjoy the process of making the original piece and can then transform it later. Hope you get some time to relax soon. ~ Laura

  4. love the original piece, but I am sure you will get more use out of your book. I like that too. Oh and I went to see your letter rack and that is fabulous.

  5. Lovely and very beautiful!!!!
    Creatieve groetjes, Anja


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