
Thursday 4 February 2016

Going triple for The Craft Barn

Good morning guys.
I hope you are well. As a rare treat I have a midweek weekend so today is my Saturday. I think a lazy day is in order......
I thought I'd pop on to share a few pics from my project done for The Craft Barn a few weeks ago. I'm not going to go into too much details regarding stages but if you would like to see them then you can pop over HERE to see.
My triple consisted of 3 door plates made up from Andy Skinner's Tando Creative Industrial Elements kit. There are three layers of paint and mediums on these to create the effect.

 The finished project ended up as an A4 board with layers of paste, paint, heat embossed designs and burlap.

Further details were added by the addition of metal embellishments. Love these keys.

The finished piece. It was fun to make and I was pleased with it.

However, I have a confession to make..... I looked at it and thought, "yes, I really like it. But where can I put it?" Well, it has undergone a transformation.....and upon that teaser I will say goodbye and make you wait  until tomorrow to see what happened to it.....
Have a fab day.


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