
Wednesday 27 January 2016

Mad as a March Hare....

Good morning friends.
I trust you are well. The weather is cold and miserable so I'm avoiding my studio and keeping myself indoors (When I'm not at work!)
This weekend I had a go at my second needle felted project. Something that had a few more technical aspects to it. Again, I thoroughly enjoyed myself though I was not totally happy with the proportions when I had finished. I am learning things and that is a good thing. I know what not to do next time now so lesson learned......

Here he is, warts and all.

 It was different working with a wire armature and adding details like cheeks, mouth and eyebrows. Unfortunately the legs are not long enough proportionally but hey it's only my second attempt so overall I'm pleased. I'll just have to hide him in a bunch of flowers LOL

I've also been enjoying my daily sketch. Here are the next 12 days.

I really should be popping down to the Studio so I'll see you later. Have yourselves a fun and creative day.


  1. Oh no! Don't hide him he is lovely...those ears are amazing!!! I am amazed at the variety of things you are drawing! Keep up the good work x

  2. He is very unique and has lots of character. you need towrite a book now of his exploits.
    Mrs A.

  3. You already know I love him and those ears are just gorgeous. Who cares about the length of the legs. Not me!
    Fab drawings too.


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