
Wednesday 16 November 2011

WOYWW #128 What's on your Wardrobe Wednesday.....

Good morning everyone and welcome to WOYWW  hosted by Julia at Stamping Ground so feel free to pop over and join in the fun.
To be honest, my desk has been a bit neglected for the last few day but since that's what you are here to see...

Just a messy desk with very little other than this little piece in progress using the winter distress inks.
So why such a neglected desk? Well, I've been working on a re-decorating project. Still a long way to go but I have done the wardrobe though. I was thinking to myself that most of us use distress techniques on tags which are lovely and small ; I must need my head examining as I decided to try it on a "slightly" larger scale!
Starting with this pine wardrobe. (Lighting not great as I usually remembered to take a photo when it was dark!)
I covered it with a primer and then painted it blue
I added some Vaseline to the wardrobe and painted it cream and rubbed some off.

It does not look too exciting yet, but then I added the magic........

Now I'm back to icky brown!

But after rubbing down and cleaning off I got the distressed aged look I was after; layers of blues and creams all stained with "age" for my Parisian vintage shabby room 

I'm happy with the end result and am now busy rag-rolling the walls.........
Normal crafting should hopefully resume shortly!
Have a great day everyone!


  1. OH my word you are game but it is looking good, welldone for trying such a large canvas
    Bridget #29

  2. Yes, I think you can safely say that is distressing on a larger scale. what a result.
    Helen 12

  3. Now that looks amazing.... you can come do mine anytime... well done you... hope we get to see the finished room

  4. Wow, you have made magic with that wardrobe! It´s gorgeous!
    Have a nice week!
    Tuire #28

  5. That really is a WOW instead of a WOYWW. Can't wait to see the whole of this room - you will post it won't you? What a fantastic job and what a great project. Good luck with the whole thing.
    Thanks for sharing with us - Hugs, Neet #9

  6. You certinly got the look of aged & distressed .
    lovely well done.

  7. Now that project does deserve a 'WOW!' would cost a bomb in an antique shop. Can't wait to see what you tackle next - three piece suite???

  8. Hey, great job on that wardrobe. It looks fab! And you've saved yourself some serious cash as that would cost a fortune in some smart shop!!
    Hugs, LLJ #45 xx

  9. What a fabulous transformation - you've done a brilliant job. I'm sure your room is going to look wonderful when finished. Enjoy your WOYWW day. Elizabeth x #78

  10. well done - definitely worth all the effort for such a lovely shabby look. Thanks for sharing today, Sarah at 2.

  11. Lovely little piece of Christmas on your desk Neil, I love it - and can understand why your desk is so empty after all those step by step procedures - you do it so well thanks for popping over and happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x

  12. Wow! what a transformation.. .you've got the distressed technique perfected and would pay a fortune for the end result.
    Your desk looks an amazing blitz and I love it... thanks for popping in on my shiny new one,
    Lv JoZarty x

  13. oh my goodness, I tried this once, on a small scale on a door...all I got, once it was finished, was, 'fancy that door having so many coats of paint on it, what colour are you going to repaint it?'.... in the end the door was 'turned' back to how it was, but it was fun, so one day, I'll have another go on something smaller! Happy WOYWW!!
    (((Lyn)) #53

  14. By the 'eck lad, that's a grand wardrobe you've got there. Let's see the finished room later pse.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  15. Wonderful job and on a grand scale it looks fantastic. I think it was worth the effort.

  16. Thanks for sharing that's some distress project! Looking good.....xoxo Sioux

  17. Great project there! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sunshine Girl – No 34

  18. Love the desk, all messy and creative :) and I love the wardrobe love altering things for the home :) thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW

  19. Just doing a quick pass through today ... I am going to get everyone visited!!! Wow an altered wardrobe ... is nothing to big for you!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx #19

  20. Wow Neil youve done an excellent job on the wardrobe love the stages youve gone whats nest in line for your distressed room.My friend used to renevate old furniture and go through loads stages befpore the finished project.Maybe this will become another full time craft for you to do,re furnishing distressing furniture.Get some lovely cheap items at boot if i need tell you
    Have fab time and enjoy your new hobby it is stunning people pay lots money for furniture like that!
    Have fun!judex6

  21. Wowwwww!!!
    Have a happy WOYWW!
    Hugs Marleen ;-)

  22. Wow that looks fab , I cant wait to see whaat the room will look like with its make over.
    Love the paper project to .
    Sarahp *56

  23. Phew, what a lot of work but that looks fabulous!

    Lesley Xx

  24. Wonderful post. You always have lots going on. Love your wardrobe. Makes me sad I could have had one FREE.. long ago but no way to deliver it home. What fun I could have with it now.
    Love your colors. Enjoy WOYWW and have a great week

  25. Wow what an awesome wardrobe, this looks absolutely fantastic!!!!it is amazing, trace happy woyww

  26. Well you are fond of a challenge! Looking forward to seeing the completed room.

  27. beautiful,stunning!

    hugs Lol xxx

  28. Good heavens! How many hours did this take? I painted a similar one white and just one colour took me for ever to do! You are very brave to tackle such a large "canvas"!

  29. Oh the wardrobe looks great that must have taken you a number of hours, I have a little pine unit I have wanted to do for 2 years maybe I will get that done, you have inspired me. Have a great decorating week. Laura

  30. Love the wardrobe!
    Thanks for sharing!

  31. Wowzer, what a great project!! Thanks for popping by to see me. Cindy #50

  32. Oh wow!!! What a fabulous idea, and an amazing result! I've got a few items here you can do for me if you get the bug and can't stop lol

  33. How many DI pads did you use for that then? And bottles of reinker! I fancy rag rolling part of my dining room, what paint do you use? any tips?!!
    Thanks for your visit earlier!

  34. great messy desk, even if it is neglected. the wardrobe is looking good too, lots of hard work
    happy woyww

  35. FANTASTIC! Neil, I love what you've done on that wardrobe!!! I love to redo furniture! I've recently finished a cedar chest my Grandmother left me - very detailed work on the front so it was quite an undertaking! Thank you so much for sharing your project....loved it! Do have a great week!

  36. your wardrobe is amazing. Thanks for sharing the stages of progress. Bet you're thrilled to bits with it.
    A x

  37. |Cor well done Neil - in effect you've painted the cupboard 3 times - I raise my hat to you!! No doubt your room will work out a triumph - scale is clearly not an issue for you!

  38. O, Neil, I just LOVE what you did with the wardrobe, those colors just fit in my house!!!!

  39. What a big job but well worth the effort, looks great.

  40. Well done you! That wardrobe looks fab. It's amazing what playing with smaller things does to our creativity and our self confidence!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  41. That wardrobe is just gorgeous, Neil - but then I wouldn't expect anything else from you! I love the distressed look and the subtle colours. Happy belated WOYWW, Shoshi #61

  42. For being # 1 this week, I'm awfully late visiting. I'm so sorry but, after a computer crash, I had to stop by and get a bit of inspiration from your desk, but found the cupboard instead. Love the vintage look you got.


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