
Monday 14 November 2011

Tissue box cover for Katzelkraft and Craft Barn class

Hi there everyone
I hope this finds you well. It's been a busy weekend with it's own bits of drama so firstly here's a peek at a Tissue box cover I am sharing over at Katzelkraft; all the details and more photo's are HERE

 Sneaked this photo in because the other photo doesn't show the textures!

So, back to the weekend; Saturday was spent painting the wardrobe (Almost finished!) and then off to work. Saturday evening packing for my class on Sunday at The Craft Barn. Sunday I woke up early so thought I'll go downstairs because I had forgotten to pack something for the class. Did not turn the light on so as not to disturb anyone and promptly fell down them catching my foot in the bannisters halfway down! It was rather sore (as an understatement) Still; I was not about to let that stop me so got myself up, popped some panado and went off to class!
The class was great fun; we were altering a tissue box cover using textures, friendly plastic and of course inks and stamps. Numpty that I am; when I got home last night I realised that I had not taken photo's of my sample to show you so you'll have to imagine how wonderful it is!
Here is the class photo though as I remembered to do that!
It was a fab day and as always I was amazed at how different everyone's turned out thought we all used the same techniques! So thank you Ladies AND Gentleman for making the class such fun!
At the end of the day I was very glad to get home to rest my aching bones and I now have some interesting bruises developing........
While I'm here I also want to tell you that The Craft Barn is celebrating over 600 followers on their blog by giving and amazing bundle of goodies to one lucky follower; over £200.00 of great stuff! All the details are HERE so do pop on over for a closer look and enter; who knows, it could be you who wins!
Have a lovely afternoon everyone and be blessed in your creative journey......


  1. It was a fabulous class Neil, I really enjoyed it. I hope you went and got yourself checked out at the hospital today. Get well soon and thanks again.

  2. Hope you are OK Neil and not too sore - you should really get it checked out though to be on the safe side.
    Love your tissue box cover, very classy.

  3. Gosh Neil, it would have taken a while to get over the shock of a fall like that surely! Well done you for soldiering on, hope it hurts less each day.

  4. oh poor aching bones here Neil you have our heartiest commiseration and pray it all mends asap - falling down stairs is not fun have done it myself in times past!! maybe a torch night would be handy at top of stairs for nocturnal wanderings? well done on making the day a great success! Shaz in oz.x

  5. Ouch sounds painful maybe next time the light maybe care rest and hot /cold compresses on the foot will sure to help.


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