
Wednesday 19 October 2011


Hi there everyone. It looks like today may be a day of sunshine here which will be lovely. We are definitely being spoilt with the weather at the moment, even if it is cold the sunshine warms the heart!
So what's on my workdesk (Hosted as ever, by Julia at Stamping Ground) this morning?

The overview
A bit of a mixed bag today. so shall we start in the middle; still sitting there from yesterday's post is the group of bits from the scavenger hunt (details are HERE)

Then on the left are some metal birds, a notebook and some chipboard circles.

Oh and a small old tin we found Sunday too.

But, of course, the biggest treat is now sitting to the right........

Meet Bradley, Brad for short. Now here's a tale of unexpected blessing. I have wanted said Vagabond machine since they were first launched. Seems centuries ago now but with one thing and another I never had managed to get one. So on Sunday as were on our way to Haywards Heath we drove past The Craft Barn and my wife told me to stop. (I was not going to, I promise!) So being the dutiful Hubby I stopped and Susan said we are going to pick up a little box here as it was on the list for the hunt. So we went in and as we entered my lovely wife said; right, get your Vagabond! Well, I was not going to argue was I? So that is how Brad joined the family!  He works a treat too as I've just cut a gazillion tattered leaves to send to my mother in SA and my arms are not aching!
So, that's my beautiful world this morning and I look forward to seeing yours! If I can leave Bradley, that is!


  1. Oh - lucky lucky you - I am most envious - but why is it called Bradley?

  2. Oh boy, you will not be sorry you listened and stopped! Brad is going to be an integral part of your life! Welcome to the wonderful world of the VAGABOND!

  3. Ooh, lucky you! Off to check out the previous post now...

  4. Love my Vagabond! Had to just say that.
    You obviously live much further South than I do as the weather changed up here on Monday and has been so cold, wet and windy. Today seems a bit better (fingers crossed).
    Lots of loveliness on your desk. Thanks so much for sharing - Hugs, Neet #1

  5. A man who does what he's told... now there's a novel thing haha.

    really not fair on the weather you know, we've had gales, sleet, hail, snow, frost while you lot south still have heat and sunshine.


  6. Oh Neil you will love it!Teh vagabond Brad.will bring hours of endless pleasure and arm >love all your bits on the desk this week.
    Have fab wednesday and creative week ahead
    hugs judex16

  7. You are soooooo spoilt lol, you lucky lad!!! Think that's more than a couple hours of housework you owe there lol. Elizabeth x

  8. What a superb time you've been having ending up with the ultimate treat of Bradley!! I would have loved that scavenger hunt.... such fun with great finds.
    You are always welcome to pop in for a cuppa next time you are in the Pool of Life. I love Anthony Gormley's work especially the Field... hope you managed to see it. I saw it at 2 different venues over a couple of years and it had a tremendous emotional effect on me. Imagine me ( be myself) on the floor of the Tate Liverpool looking at the figures down on their level then I started laughing...loudly... both at the hundreds of faces looking at me, looking at them, looking at me!!!
    Angel of the North is overwhelming too when viewed on the site.
    I'm rambling... Love your desk too...
    JoZarty x

  9. Great things on your desk and lucky you to have a Bradley! All my die cutting comes from muscle power!
    Have a good day

  10. Bridget #28 I love your colourful desk, looks very vintage

  11. You always have interesting things on your desk but I guess Brad will take centre stage for the foreseeable future!

  12. Well it would be rude not to stop wouldn't it !

    I am really looking at getting one of those vagabonds I have spent the last two days having a major cuttlebug session and my shoulder is stiff !

    I am still drooling over your treasure !

    Happy Wednesday

  13. Great other half. I think unless they want to halve the price the Vagabond will have to remain an unreachable dream for now. Still who knows if the flat goes and I save really hard! Mind would have been glad of it when I did 12 nestie shapes the other day......

  14. The scavenger hunt sounds amazing - fun and productive too. I love the little miniature, so beautiful. My eldest lad is coming home tomorrow - hooray - as we're going to a family wedding at the weekend. I'm so looking forward to seeing him again...
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!
    Hugs, LLJ #41 xx

  15. Awwww hello Bradley nice to meet you lol you wife sounds like a treasure. So many great projects on your desk as ever. Thanks for sharing, much love, Jennibellie x

  16. Spotted Brad straight away as a new addition to the family. Keep meaning to ask about the dolls house . Did you make for your daughter or is it waiting restoration? Mrs A

  17. I'm glad you love Brad, but I'm in love with your first photo. It looks more like an art installation than an art studio. I am green with envy.

    rachel, #22

  18. I am wondering the same as Mrs A... the dolls house... !! what is you plans with it....??
    lovely wife you have....
    Claire #58

  19. Lucky you with your vagabond and so many more crafting possibilities now. The metal birds look very interesting as well.
    Ann #50

  20. Wonderful addition, you'll surely enjoy it. Live this life to the fullest with all the things you enjoy!!!
    I had to quickly forward the one picture of the mouse...eek..I HATE rodents...mice and bats I just can't force myself to see any goodness in them. CREEPY. I won't even look at paper bats.
    No Christmases at families, with Gerbils either.
    Have fun with all your goodies, Love your designs. Happy WOYWW.

  21. OOOHHHH a Vagabond, even the name makes me want one too. (pardon the about me moment LOL)
    Happy cutting and embossing to you!!!
    Keep smiling and creating

  22. What is a vagabond? And if his name is Bradley, what is the bird called?

  23. Very jealous of Brad!

  24. Our local craft shop sells Bradleys twin for just £125... but nomatter how much I would love to have a Bradley look-a-like, it's just not going to happen right now.
    Your desk is always so... what's the word?.... rummagable. *lol* I love those keys, Bradley (of course) and my hands ache and fingers itch to take a peek around the miniature house.
    Oh, and I absolutely adore the boxes, bottom left. Gorgeous!
    Sheleen aka Bubbles at

  25. I'm so intrigued by your desk. I can see hollywood getting an awesome picture of it and then turning it into a real life movie. Not sure if you know what I mean but it's like the start of a great story! I think Bradley will be a well loved addition to your family and that wife of yours is a keeper!!!! Thank you for the visit I just love seeing what's on your desk! Have a super week!

  26. Uhh you're just saying you've christmas in october, right? (:o)

  27. Ah welcome Brad - and may you have many happy years of use! What an understanding trouper your Susan is...I'm sure I've said that before..worth repeating!

  28. Yikes a mouse, awesome WIP's this week.

    xoxo thanks for the peek and sharing...Marjo

  29. I forgot to mention what I did with my Vagabond box, I turned it into a tool box for all my Tim stash. you can see how here.

  30. Hi there Neil,
    A big welcome to the joys of WOYWW to your new member of the family- tee dah! Brad!
    Yep good name that one - sounds strong and purposeful! much joy to come, and blessing upon blessing!
    I love the scavenging items too and yes we all want to know about the doll's house - tell us next week, huh? Shaz in oz.x

  31. Welcome Bradley, I hope you will be very happy in your new home.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  32. Such a wonderful desk as always Neil, spent ages looking it over.... what's with the mouse on a stone??! And the dolls house??? Ahh, you got a Bradly, well done you, and you have a very understanding wife too! I saw on a comment when hopping that you daughter will be visiting from college, I hope you have a great family time all together, have fun.

    Brenda 86

  33. Love the metal birds - have fun with Bradley!

  34. Treasure all round I say - great finds and lucky you with the VB - Enjoy - and slice and cut in style!

  35. What a find that little tin was ....and I love your metal birds and notebook cover. Hope you have loads of fun with Brad.

  36. Now a wise man always listens to the wife!! You are a wise man indeed!
    Wondeful that she treated you hun, congrats on the new arrival, loving the desk,

    Lou P #124

  37. Very cool! I need one of those. I have no machines and feeling a little out of the loop...Thanks for the peek :)

  38. Oh, love your desk and the scavenger hunt sounds like great fun with the bonus of bringing back what looks like useable bits and pieces - can't wait to see what you do with them. Have a great weekend. Elizabeth x

  39. Mind you don't wear your on/off button finger out!!! lol

  40. Wow, what a gorgeous and fascinating workspace! So many fabulous little bits and bobs! And congratulations on the acquisition of Brad... I'm sure he'll be a faithful companion for years to come! :D

  41. Lots of yummy craft bits on your desk and I'm sure you will ooodles of fun with brad. Loved the idea of the hunt, sounds like she had a fab time. Kezzy x

  42. Well done on your acquisition of the Vagabond. it sounds as though you are having great fun with him I am looking forward to seeing where those little metal birds turn up.


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