
Tuesday 18 October 2011

Scavenger hunt...

Hi there everyone.
I said yesterday that I'd had a bit of a busy weekend so I thought I'd share a bit with you today. I've been so busy with DT work lately and was feeling rather inspirationless so on Sunday I decided to be a bit different so told Susan we were going out and she was going on a scavenger hunt! (after staring at me blankly for a bit; I explained that a scavenger hunt was when you were given a list of things and you had to go out and find them; usually in teams but this was going to be a bit different)
So I duly presented her with a list of 10 things
A flower, a heart, a small book, a box, a figure, an old bottle, a little frame, some keys and a tiny spoon......oh and the last thing; a load of fun!
and we headed off towards Westerham which is somewhere we've been but not really explored.
So this is what she came up with

Heart and flower shaped mother of pearl buttons, a fabric covered book, two old bottles, the spoon and keys all were found in Westerham; then we headed down to Haywards Heath area and at a place near Sheffield Park Gardens found the box, frame and figure to complete the hunt!

At the end of the day, Susan said she had had a load of fun so that sorted the last item on the list too.

Now it is my turn. One of the things that has been intriguing me is the art of "assemblage" We fill our house with all sorts of bits and pieces that hold memories for us but assemblage takes those bits and creates almost a sculpture out of them. So my task is to take all these individual items we collected on the hunt and create a meaningful whole piece of dimensional art from them (And yes, there will be some ink and stamping involved; it is me who is doing after all!)
I'll be sure to let you know how I get on.
But one day perhaps if you are bored why don't you try this ; you'll have a great day out and make a lasting memory ( we are already planning the next one Susan giving me a list and I give her one and Battlesbridge antique village here we come!
Hope you all have a blessed day and create something wonderful......


  1. Those keys are spectacular! I have been on the hunt for something similar here in SA and have turned up nothing!

  2. Great fun! Looking forward to see your piece.. I've been an admirer of assemblage.. like brdlee and Capricornartist73. It looks like so much fun to create art like that.

  3. Brilliant idea Neil and so rewarding. Those keys are fantastic, looking forward to see what develops.

  4. What a fun day you had - brilliant idea!

  5. Such a fun idea to look for a list of things - gives you a purpose and a focus. Great rummaging.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  6. What a great idea for a lovely day out. Love the things you scavenged too. Happy days.

  7. Great fun idea indeed Neil! Love the loot. Shaz in oz.x

  8. Just seen this (link from Elizabeth - Silverscrapper)and what a brilliant idea. Thanks for coming up with another good one Neil. (I loved the matchbox challenge)


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