
Wednesday 12 October 2011


Good morning folks and welcome to Wednesday; kindly sponsored by Julia over at Stamping Ground.

So what's happening in my little world.........
I took these photos yesterday before going to work (so that's why the sun is shining instead of the gloomy darkness) because I knew I would not get chance to go back into it before later this afternoon.
So we have the journal page and tag I'm trying to work on...... though may have a re think as the image in my mind is not transferring to the page as I wanted.
Then there's my "Big Brother is watching" tag which I need to finish. (If you look closely you can see the face staring out from behind the advertising..... a reflection our society today,NOT the TV programme which I can't stand!)
Pride of place today is my bottle! Very pleased with it (More details are on the original post HERE)

Then I found some more birds to alter, Yay! So hope to get cracking with those later today. They are just the right shape.....

Lastly, I put hooks into the shelf to store my blenders nice and handy. So there is my little paradise today. Hope you have as much fun in your creative space as I do in mine............. See you later.


  1. Absolutely love both your tags the first tag is beauitful even though you say youve not got the image you were after.I think is stunning,oh and i can see the face on other tag .
    what fab idea for your inkers cheaper than the rotary stand.
    The bottle is stunning had look yesterday at the post.Have creative wednesday and fun week!
    hugs judex 28

  2. I love that bottle Neil really different. I will check out the original post after work tonight, wishing you a great week ahead.
    Rum x

  3. Wow that bottle is stunning I am going over to the post to have a proper nosey xx

  4. fast off the mark today! good idea with those hooks and I hate it when my idea wont transfer to paper properly...can so relate to this!

  5. Great workspace as always Neil. Love the bottle, and the tag too - can't wait to see how you progress it.

    Thanks for your kind words, they mean a lot.

  6. Love that dolls house you have. The birds are gorgeous and what a find. Fab tags as always and I love your bottle. Off to investigate.
    Thanks so much for sharing - Hugs, Neet #8

  7. Great storage idea, Thanks for the peek and sharing xoxo Marjo #40 or so..

  8. Love your bottle and I love the tag with the face!
    Your workspace is great and those bird, I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  9. I don't think the inner child bit is limited to boys! The birds look splendid don't forget to show us what you do with them :)

  10. Lots of great things to see today..Great tags, and I love the birds and the little glass doored unit behind it. Off to see the bottle post, unique piece. Enjoy the week

  11. The tags are wonderful and so is the bottle, it's amazing! Looking forward to seeing what you do with the birds! Enjoy WOYWW!

  12. Love your desk this week Neil. I always see something new every time I visit - has that dolls' house been there all the time? Beautiful tags joining your stunning bottle.

  13. Popped over to your bloggy home to say thanks for stopping by mine.. and yours looks so much more fun.. love the bottle..I am now going to spend some time looking through your world.. it all looks very interesting.. oh and I am now a follower x

  14. Great tags, and the bottle is absolutely superb.

  15. I love the bottle, that is so clever - I like all the component parts. Love the two elegant wooden birds too, they'd look really good on my windowsill :D
    Hugs, LLJ xx

  16. i'm equally short on time so I'll also just stick my head round the door, say hi, and then leg it toute-suite with that bottle.... gorgeous work, mate!

  17. What a lot of fabulous creativity going on in your craft space! I enjoy looking at everything you make! And those birds are going to be handsomely transformed I'll bet! Patsy from

  18. I do like the tag on the journal page - and the color of that page as well.

  19. Lovely creative desk today I like everything you have done - has that dolls house always been there? cant say I have noticed it before.

  20. thanks for the crafty peek today neil...loving all those tags and wooohooo I am turning cartwheels looking at the bottle....hugs kath xxx

  21. Another amazing desk. Love the tag, couldn't see the big brother man, at first, which is good I think, and then his lips showed through and then his eyes..very clever!
    HapPy WoYwW

  22. Nice way to store those blenders. Like your bottle, too. But that face. I had to look extra hard, and enlarge before I saw it. Happy WOYWW from # 11.

  23. I'd rather have your bottle than a bottle of best cognac! It's superb. Lots to snoop on as ever. I'd love you to alter the doll's house!
    Thanks for calling in on me too!
    joZarty x

  24. Paradise indeed Neil, and so interesting! Loving the Big Brother piece with David's lovely face on it.

  25. Hi Neil, thanks for letting us into your wee paradise today. Like how yo've got Big Brother just visible and get the reference ... can't stand the TV programme either. The bottle is fabulous and looks as though you found it on an ocean bed :) Hope your day went well. Elizabeth x #53

  26. Love what you have done with the bottle. Mrs A.

  27. When I read this blog news I think you are really busy with different projects. Love your tags most, but I look forward to see what you want to make with these birds.
    Bye, Franka

  28. All so inspiring - I bet you can't wait to dash into your craft room after work and get cracking! Belated Happy WOYWW!! Di xx

  29. Wow, you are a creative soul - with an organized side apparently. The hooks idea is brilliant - leave it to a man.

  30. And what a creative little paradise it is too!! I love your ideas - even if big brother is watching you!! x Jo

  31. Love the texture on your journal page, and of course the bottle is just FABULOUS! Tfs Jenny x

  32. Love your blender storage idea. Love the light shining through behind them. Very lovely space you have Neil! I like the way you use the blenders in your art. Your working space is a delight and very inspiring. *smiles* Norma

  33. Ohhhh I had to look and look again to see that face. Just like big brother to be so elusive.

  34. Great post and oodles of fab stuff waiting for your magic hands....the birds are fab! Can't wait to see them...Thanks for the visit...I'm a bit late but thanks for sharing. Sarah at 10

  35. Love the tags, and the 'Big Brother tag especially is awesome.
    I have never seen the BB programme, I have heard enough to put me right off, lol. Shame tho that 'Big Brother' will mean a tv show, and not a totally amazing book, to all future generations. Loved seeing your work today,Running a bit late this week, have a good week, Shaz

  36. Lovely things!
    Sorry I'm late!
    Chrissie #38

  37. great workspace Neil! Love what you have done with the blenders and the tag and bottle are just awesome! Thanks for sharing. Vickie


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