
Friday 14 October 2011

Journal page

Good morning folks.
Hope you are all well. Thought I'd share this journal page with you. Last night my wife and I trotted off to the theatre to see The Eva Cassidy Story. It was a lovely, if emotional, production. The staging was kept simple and documented aspects of her life and musical development and of course, her tragic death at such a young age. So this morning I made this page
The background had been done a while ago using distress ink and water painted with a brush that had some inka gold on it so there is actually a lovely shimmer to the page.
I used a Dina Wakely stamp stamped 3 times without re inking. Journalling lines were drawn using a French curve and my thoughts were noted. Some doodled lines and designs and some gold painted and stamped highlights were added.

On the way back to the car we took a detour and walked past the stage door just as Brian Fortuna walked out so as an added bonus my wife asked him to sign the programme which he did with good grace and smiles. Strictly fans will remember him from 2010 when he got to the semi finals with Abi) We did not know he could sing and act; but yes he certainly can!
So all in all it was a lovely evening, even if some tissues were needed at the end as it brought back memories of the last time I saw my Dad too so double the emotional impact.
I hope you all have a creative and blessed day; wherever your journey takes you.

I'd like to welcome my new followers too. Thank you for deciding to join me on my creative journey and if I can, in any small way, inspire you to find your own creative voice; I am humbled and grateful.


  1. Beautiful page Neil about a lady with an equally beautiful voice. I have a couple of her 'records' and her range of songs was amazing. Not sure what a French curve is but I do know I NEED one. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Ohh whow, I like journalpages....and this is a verry nice one!! Jolande

  3. Absolutely, absolutely stunning, Neil!

  4. Hi Neil, Your page is beautiful, muted colours but a very interesting memory for you which will be wonderful in years to come. You are so right it's easy to forget and this is a great, visual way of reminding you. I'm glad it was such a successful evening, I don't think I've heard of Eva Cassidy. Looks like I need to find out:0)Gay x


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