
Wednesday 21 September 2011


Good morning all, to coin a phrase often heard on a certain radio channel; "Happy Wednesday Everyone"
Yep, Julia's world wide party over at Stamping Ground.
My desk this week is about the same as the current weather; miserable! One of those dull drizzly days. Still in the spirit of the day I'll let you peek....
So, whassup , apart from dull gloomy light? On the left is my new TH autumn leaf die and a Christmas stamp that I THINK I know what I'm going to do with.
In the middle there are a couple of scraps that I was trying to get inspiration from (Didn't work) and there's also a little book for my small individual ATC stamps. Yes we can take a closer look.
I thought I was quite clever with this. To get the colour mixes with these you need to cut a few at once (I did six)When I had used the first lot I realised I needed storage so I took and empty UTEE bottle and used the die insert to wrap around it and hey presto,  a picture to remind me and another jar saved from the bin!
This is the cover for the stamps; nice and simple. I'm also busy with two larger ones for my expanding collection of TH stamps. (Well, I can't help it if they call out to me every time I walk past them, can I?)
 Lastly, I picked this up the other day at a charity shop, little photo album. Will keep you posted when it's done.
So that's your lot from me today. Hope you all have a lovely day, I'd better get back there as there's a printers tray with my name on it, and I still need to do those Christmas cards, and the journalling class, and, well you get the picture I'm sure....... Bless you one and all.


  1. Despite the gloom, it looks tidy! We hit a bit of the drizzel over the weekend, but other than that the shinny orb has been gracing us with some shine...By Nov 1st though...rain will be the norm! Cant wait to see what you do with the charity find! Happy WOYWW -Amanda

  2. Well, that's a win-win situation with the leaf stamps and the jar - a happy accident :) xx

  3. Wow! What a lot of things to look forward to. Great cover for the stamps!

  4. Great shot of the desk. :) Nice idea for storage nad that stamp book is awesome! :)

  5. I always love my visit to you, so right back at ya as they say! Thanks for stopping by. I adore those leaves and really must get that die.... I will be at AP on Saturday so will miss you (again!) - will try and leave some stash on the shelves.....

  6. Hi there Neil, as usual you are multi-tasking with several pots on the boil! I have seen the new TH die elsewhere and thought it was a great one too, and yes love you little album too! happy playing and happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x

  7. Hmmm...maybe a bit spooky light, but your works are great! And I like your well organized working place.
    Happy creating!

  8. What alovely die i have just ordered that one too awaitng or should i say stalking the letterbox for post man .Love the covers of your stamp holders in the middle of doing mine made the folders just need time to inky up!
    Happy wednesday and have Creative week
    hugs judex10

  9. Well if you get all those leaves and twig shapes on the one die then that is going to have to be a must have. I'm doing a swap with a tin that needs to be altered with autumn colours as the theme so it will be perfect. Thanks for the look in. Mrs A.

  10. Happy Wednesday back! I really love the cover you've created for your stamps, it wonderful. I can't believe you said your desk was miserable...have ya seen some of them out there today, including mine? Yours is quite tidy my friend...enjoy the space!
    Awesome die by the way!

  11. Love it all, I tend to put all my punched out thingies into jars/little boxes/tiny draws. It's not fair that TM dies (any dies) are sooo fab and so expensive, I have at least 5 on my wish list. Wish there were places where we could hire them/ try them, cut things out in the store/ They do in the States, whole shelves of fabulous dies, you just buy your paper and then cut what you like..I guess there was a price attached to it. Great snoop and thasn you for your visit too!! happy woyww

  12. No it is not the "reindeer flight" set, but the "Fabulous Flourishes" and under that was "Stuff to say" and on top was "Holiday wishes". Unfortunately the "umbrella man" set does not come on one of those hard plastic sheets, so I am going to have to make my own so that I can make a folder like you have here. Thanks for sharing this idea, I will definitely make use of it.

  13. Wow Neil you have a great workspace and an awesome blog. Thanks so much for stopping by!

    Thanks for sharing, have a great WOYWW!

    xoxo Marjo #36

  14. Great charity shop find, have a happy Wednesday! Mel (43)

  15. Ooh look at that weird light! Looks like your're crafting at 2 in the morning! Love the new die, always loved things with leaves on them, and great storage idea too. Love the little ATC stamp book. Have a great week.

    Brenda 88

  16. Lovely stuff on your desk today Neil. Love that die and it is nice to know I am not the only "tight" one that won't throw die cuts away!! Haa Haa!
    Hope you are not still hungry - help yourself to one of my cupcakes when you like!! LOL!!

  17. ooh i have a cuttle bug die from ages ago with those leaves on - must dig it out - I'm imagining a huge wreath made from millions of leaves (yeah that's really going to happen...)


  18. Love the leaves, and the photo album, will be really interesting to see what you do with it. tfs, hugs Jenny

  19. Well happy Wednesday to you too! Not gloomy at all inside @ Neil's I can see. The leaves are awesome and I'm anxious to see more of that photo album.

  20. Fantastic projects... haven't seen that leaves die before (thank you... more dents in the bank balance as I run out and buy it *lol*)

    Drizzly days are the best... cold and wet outside whilst I'm all snuggled inside with a pile of paper... and a cat who sits on the pile of paper AND a dog who drools on it *lol*

    Hope you've had a wonderful WOYWW!
    aka Sheleen at PatchworkApples

  21. Sounds like you have plenty on the go to keep you out of mischief... love the cover of the ATC stamp book and your bargain purchase will no doubt be stunning when you have finished playing with it!!

  22. Such an interesting post Neil... there's alway inspiration and things I need/want on your desk as well as the great art you create.
    I spy with my little eye the Liverpool Art map. Have you been or are you planning to come North? It's worth a visit for the art alone. I love the Pre Raphaelite picture next to the map. There are so many in the Lady Lever Gallery up here, Rosetti, Burne-Jones, Millais etc. It's a fab day out and we took Doone there recently. The collections are second only to London, the city has 9 FREE galleries and museums and there are numerous private galleries too.
    Thanks for popping in on me...
    JoZarty x

  23. Oooh, not seen that new die but I think I might like to have it for myself.

  24. Enjoyed reading your post and admiring your pieces, as usual. Love those autumn leaves. The stamps call to you and they sing to me ... funny, my husband just does not hear them singing ... and what do they sing, it's 'buy me, buy me', of course :) Elizabeth #125

  25. Love the leaves die and their nice storage, thanks for stopping by my desk.

  26. I hate when those stamps just won't stop calling your name in the shops! Wish they would just shut up (NOT!)
    Love the stamp album and nifty little storage jar.
    Happy belated WOYWW (I never seem to make it on a Wednesday any more)

  27. Love that die - think I have to have it. See what you have done. Great book there. Sorry I am not posting much of a comment but am on holiday and the internet comes and goes in the hotel. hugs, Neet x

  28. Love the cover for the stamps - my favorite colors, and they just blend so nicely, and gorgeous stamped images.

  29. I didn't know there was a long TH die with all those lovely autumn leaves - huh must find that one somewhere! Your attwork is amazing and I always have a big snoop around! Your covers for stamp sets are a great idea - wish I was so organized!

  30. Very clever use of that empty jar. And that new die is great. Sorry I'm so late showing up this week. Seems I've had to say that a lot lately.


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