
Thursday 22 September 2011

No stamp required

Good morning everyone and welcome to my new followers; I do hope you enjoy travelling along with my creative journey.
Yesterday I struggled to get my creative juices flowing a bit but thought that I'd start to play around with one of the new Tando printers trays (available from The Craft Barn)
What appealed to me about these straight away was the fact that they are made up of layers that you glue together so I thought that it would be great to create windows to hold things inside.
I started by taking some Crafty Individuals sea themed images from one of their books and cutting and layering up to fit the base layer. Then on the second layer I cut part of the largest image again and fastened that down for added dimension
I added some "sand" and tiny shells to some of the compartments along with some little sea embellishments after which I then added a sheet of acetate before gluing the final window layer.
I coloured the frame and stand with broken china distress stains and Americana acrylic paint in celery green

For my first attempt I'm pretty pleased with the outcome; though after I'd glued it down I realised I'd forgotten to do some little finishing details I'd intended but was not going to risk damaging it so just left it!

So, now I know how it works I can start of some of the others that I have in my minds eye, though with loads of stamping and inking this time!
Hope you all have a lovely and creative Thursday.


  1. Great little printers tray, the crafty individual papers work so well with it. X

  2. I Love Craft Individuals!
    and I would be pretty please with myself to if I had made it .
    I really love it the colors all blend in well and the sea side theme is just perfect !

  3. This is great, I love Crafty Individuals products!

  4. This is the sea theme.


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