
Wednesday 3 August 2011

WOYWW #113

Goodness gracious me, it's Wednesday already how can that be? I'm not ready for it yet but I guess you'll still want to see what's going on in my little corner?
Yes, I thought you would, so here it is. (And yes AJ, the drawers are still bare but I do have plans for them!)
Whoever said men can't multi-task is wrong, I have quite a few things on the go at once. On the left you can see the "push it out of the way when finished with it" pile of stuff. Centre and right stage are two files that are being altered but so far I've just painted them with Paperartsy's fresco paint
  Great colours these and so far I'm impressed with the way it goes on and the chalk finish but we'll see if it lives up to the stamping test.........
Then at the back there are some Crafty Individuals Tags that I will be playing with soon and also some sheets of wood veneer that caught my eye, I have plans and experiments for those!

Then, because everything else is a bit boring for you perhaps; here is a page I've just done in my "experimenting journal" I started this book to just play with stamps and stuff to try out backgrounds etc.. That way, if I like the way something comes out I have a record of how I did it so I can use it on projects in the future.
On this page I used an Andy Skinner splat stamp and clear versamark ink and UTEE to emboss before inking with Forest Moss Distress ink. The embossing acts as a resist. The barbed wire was stamped with archival ink and wiped off the embossing too. I worked out that with careful positioning I can create a great look with that stamp so I'm pleased. Then the little bird is a Tando chipboard shape. I embossed twice with a cosmic shimmer metallic powder and then the third layer is clear and that gives an amazing depth and richness to the colours, really really fab so do give it a go! Some copper thunder gilding flakes also add a nice touch.
You can see my notes on the side of the page. (peeking at the left you can see another page, I've done a background that I think is fab using a stamp that perhaps you would not see as a background stamp but I love it. I've already done a project with it for The Craft Barn which will show it so decided not to spoil the fun!
That's my desk this week so I'll see you over at Stamping Ground for more.
One last pic; this little chap is a regular visitor to our garden and I managed to snap him at about 11pm last night, isn't he sweet?
Just a quick plug too; the Fab Jean Hardy from Crafty Individuals is going to be at The Craft Barn on this coming Saturday along with six other demonstrators (Including li'l ole me!) so if you are in the are do pop along it will be great to see you. Details are here 


  1. He IS sweet - think I saw one at the bottom of our drive a few nights ago - big one - and scurrying along. They don't half go fast when they want to. Love your page - every bit of it. Must tell you you were wrong - I DID finish my charms - took me all day but they are sorted into two bags (individually bagged) and catalogued as to what is in each. Whose a smarty pants then?

  2. WOW messy desk but love that journal page.

  3. Great desk for snooping with lots going on and fab crafting, as ever.
    The bird page is really effective.
    I sent my marthbox to Sarah last Saturday but haven't heard from her. Can you check for me please if it arrived as I don't have her email or blog?
    Thanks Neil...
    JoZArty x

  4. Ahhh cute hedgie! I like your "experimenting journal" it's a really good idea. Lots of interesting happenings on your desk again this week. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I am sure you will love the Fresco paint - it is fab for stamping on.... not sure if I will be able to get to CB on Saturday - but if I do, I'll say hello!

  6. Just love your creative table and have to say those fresco paints are afav of mine too dont know how i lived without them.Have great week and sorry cant get to craftbarn to see you all demo

  7. Blimey Neil, you are keeping creatively busy, good job you can multi task. I'm afraid I generally work on one piece at a time whilst worrying about how long my ever growing "want to do & make" list is lol. Love your experimenting journal space. And I must go and look up those fresco paints and see what they are. Looking forward to seeing your future creations. Paul xx

  8. Wow a real Hedgehog, how cute and just look at how light it was at 11pm, I am jealous! Love the idea of a sample book of techniques. I think I am going to have to join you. Thanks for sharing your desk again this week.

  9. Yay love the look of the real "work in progress" desk Neil! I am envious of you meeting Jean from Crafty individuals - Been playing a lot with my collection lately! Have fun this weekend x Janet

  10. Of course men can multi-task! (You WERE cooking dinner at the same time, weren't you? :P)

    Love your experimental page - such a good idea, and it's reminded me that I have those stamps still waiting for some ink!
    Helen S

  11. Great post and lovely things to look at
    Thanks for sharing

  12. That is a super cute photo of your little visitor. I haven't seen one where I live for a good many years!
    Lovely work on your desk as always. Just a pity the Craft Barn is a little too far to "pop" over!

  13. I love hedgehogs - a great benefit to your garden! The idea of an experiment journal is brill and jotting down how you have done each one helps when you get to my age and forget everything!!

  14. Your little visitor is SO adorable! Love the bird page! I really need to play with my UTEE more! Never thought of adding a layer of clear over colored embossing powder. Thanks for the tips! Have a wonderful Wednesday -Amanda

  15. Never heard of fresco paint before but the finish looks pretty good in your photograph. Must investigate further. Mrs A. #107

  16. Your journal with notes is beautiful, and such a good idea as I always forget how I got a certain effect! Love your little hedgie too... such a nice thing to have them pop by of an evening!!

  17. you certainly proved that men can multi-task but then you are exceptional. great idea to have an experimenting journal especially since you try out a lot of new materials and techniques. the page you showed looks great. and what a cute visitor you have. they have only been recently available as pets here and are very expensive! thanks for sharing! happy WOYWW!
    peggy aplSEEDS

  18. Oh so cute, do they get very big? Love your journal page, the little bird looks alive. You have great things happening all around you so have fun. Enjoy WOYWW they come around fast.

  19. Loving all your tips again Neil, my problem - never get to doing them.. dont know why always these have to do things and not enough time for all those explorations.. not to worry, tis fun to read about them none then less. And would love to pop over to see you all at Craft Barn in Sat.. what fun I would have, sadly tooo far..
    Shaz in Oz.x

  20. Oooh what a fabby creative desk you have! I won a big box of veneers recently on the bay of of those impulse will be really interested to see what you do with them :)
    Thanks for sharing!
    *hugs* Sal x

  21. A nice busy spot - and a cute little visitor!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Sheena B #114

  22. What a great idea to have an experimenting journal. Love it! I think I'll do the same.

    Your little visitor is just adorable. My visitors tend to be spiders...and sometimes black widow spiders! Eeeeeeek!

  23. Wow...your very own hedgie! Certainly multitasking this week Neil! Happy WOYWW!

  24. Thanks for the peeks. Lots of good stuff on your blog. Cute hedgie. Have a great day and all the best on the weekend. Sorry it's a little far for me to come see - Calgary, Alberta.

  25. Like the idea of the crafting journal. I need to start doing something like that cause I wonder sometimes how something worked a certain way when I did it the time before! Getting old here and looking for ways to keep it together! Sorry I am so late getting around but once again life has interfered with what I want to do! Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  26. Many neet things to see this week. Great idea the crafting journal and I like the notebooks and look forward to the finish. Oh you have hedgehogs, I just love them, we don't have them here and if you wanted one as a pet, sooooo expensive. Keep on keeping on. #92

  27. Love the desk this week - must get myself that barbed wire stamp....


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