
Monday 1 August 2011

Busy weekend and Katzelkraft monday

Hi there everyone
Firstly I'd like to say a huge thank you for the 12 ladies who came to my class at The Craft Barn yesterday; you were great and I had a fabulous time and hope you did too!
In the morning we made a little tag book using a variety of techniques

It was great fun and I loved seeing how everyone's project came out differently even though we all used the same stamp plate!
Then after lunch it was time to get the pegs out and we altered this peg, great for displaying a special picture or photo.

My thanks also to The Craft Barn for the opportunity to teach there.If you are in the area next weekend, 6 August the fabulous Jean Hardy from Crafty Individuals will be at The Craft Barn minifest along with about six demonstrators so do pop along to visit. It should be great
After class I popped over to see friends in nearby Crawley and had a lovely catch up and a fab curry so I did not need to cook, yay!

Phew, this is turning out to be a longer post than usual but I want to share this project that I have done for Katzelkraft using the new Kokopelli plate which is a fabulous stamp set.

I made this little bracelet and envelope. The charms were made using frosted shrink plastic and stamping the images with stazon; roughly cut out and using the heat gun to reduce size.
When cool I added some colour to the back with distress ink in forest moss and aged mahogany and lightly spritzed with water and blotted away.
The envelope was coloured in vintage photo stain and blended with frayed burlap and the stamping done using the same colour. The lizard was stamped and embossed with cosmic shimmer lava black UTEE.
The stamps are available at Katzelkraft in France or in the UK they are sold exclusively at The Craft Barn. (if you can't see them on the Craft Barn website if you call the shop they will be able to order in for you as they are new!)
Right, my studio is calling my name so I'll be on my merry way, have a truly blessed and brilliant day!


  1. Ohh my that book is wonderful Neil, and I love the bracelet !

    Hrmph, if I had an incling those pegs were that big I'd have ordered a few of those over the weekend too ! Might go back and get some, the girls there are probably already muttering under there breath at me for 2 huge orders they will be packing today so may as well in for a penny in for a pound lol.


  2. A Great relaxed class yesterday thank you Neil, it was great fun.

  3. Thank you Neil for a very enjoyable class yesterday. Love the bracelet.
    xxx Hazel.

  4. Ah real feedback Neil - how marvellous - well done you - and what a fab book.

  5. Wow Neil I love the glossy gecko at the bottom of this, some folk have these cuties visit them on their walls in Oz. and you are right about the tan mat at Craft Barn two larger sizes now just have to work out which one! thanks for that! Cant believe you can shop in person in such places all my buying is online no such place here. Shaz in Oz.x

  6. Your bracelet is fabulous... being a gecko geek kinda gal, it caught my eye straight away!!


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