
Wednesday 27 July 2011


Good morning
I'll warn you now that my desk is not very exciting this morning and rather messy but here goes anyway.....

I've been busy with about four different things that I had to move out of the shot so all you see is the detritus of creativity which is never that great! On the left there is an ATC folder that I want to make a cover for and on the right there is the beginning of an accordion tag book.
The most interesting bit is in the middle;
What do you think of this lovely rusted metal reel? OOOOOOOOh, where did you find that? I hear you ask.
It is actually a cardboard Papermania ribbon reel that I have given the rusty metal treatment with paint and a bit of Inka gold. Isn't it fab?
So that's my space; what's yours looking like? Join us at Julia's place at Stamping up for the wonders of WOYWW.


  1. Its really rather refreshing to know that i'm not the only person who wakes up to the detritus of the night before ! Inks and pallets all over my desk & 2 mini album commissions to get to work on today.

    Shop first (wednesday is fresh day woohooo (double woohoo as it always means another stash of free kraft paper from the bottom of banana boxes !) then post my pics & hope inspiration hits me in between.

    Those new drawers are still bare wood !!


  2. Oh wow Neil that looks fab, Thanks for sharing your desk, Happy Wednesday

  3. Wow a rusty looking metal reel, that look real!!! Beautiful. I totally forgot that it is WOYWW, so it will be a Messy photo. Love the WOYWW desk enjoy the day

  4. wonderful as ever and your crafty oasis is looking fabulous...thanks for the peek today! Sarah (Sasa at 1)

  5. Lovely creative desk this week .Your ribbon reel looks fab i altered one the other week for configurations box but love what youve done with that...just looks like metal reel.
    Have fab wednesday and a creative week ahead.
    hugs Judex 7

  6. Ooh, it looks like real rusty metal - how fab!

  7. Hello Neil, love the altered reel ... you'd never guess it's origins at all! So many people are multi-tasking on several WIPs today and you're another one - makes me feel somewhat unproductive :( And ATC folders are featuring quite a lot too - are crafters all psychic I wonder :) Always enjoy visiting your desk, whatever is on it. Hope you're having a great day. Elizabeth #59

  8. Ha! Sneaky altered reel! Did you move out of your little craft cupboard? That look like your own room you're in now.

    Brenda 73

  9. That reel is very clever - it looked like genuine aged steampunk to me!! xx

  10. So much fab creative stuff going on in your world Neil.
    A x

  11. Great paint technique getting the cardboard ribbon reel to look so realistically metallic. Always love snooping on your desk as it is so USED and a lovely messy mix of crafting and detritus. (Your descriptive word, not mine!)
    Have a good week,
    JoZarty x

  12. You did a fabulous job with that ribbon reel! Totally fabulous! Love the messy space...It means that it is well loved LOL! Have a happy Wednesday!!! -Amanda #36

  13. That is not a mess - it is just busy!! Love the treatment you have given the reel!

  14. What do you mean not very exciting! looks great to me and very productive too. love the papermania reel.
    thanks for sharing

  15. wow, you had me fooled with your metal reel! that's amazing! very interesting desk as always!

  16. Yup!!! That DOES look fabulous... don't worry about the detritus, it's very interesting

  17. Great to snoop on here again - love your achievement (rusty metallic)- love that Gloop you seem to have used.
    Thanks for sharing - Neet #11

  18. What a busy creative area ...and I think your 'reel'looks real .... btw mind you dont fall down any holes.

  19. Hi neil, lovely desk this week, I'm half way down the first column and a third way up the last column on woyww...oh and one or two in the middle column!! (I forget where I've been!!) Love your reel, but I guessed! I was actually looking at one and wondering if should throw it out about fifteen minutes ago!They do look like they'd be very useful! So, what are you going to do with yours!?! Happy 'white rabbiting!! have a great WOYWW!

  20. My desk is always messy - have sorted out all my creative journalling paints etc and quite excited to start. Thanks for visiting :0)

  21. Wow Neil! I've gotta say, that's pretty impressive! That does look like a rusted reel! Excellent job! Very creative you are! Thanks for the visit and have a great rest of the week!

  22. Love your ribbon reel! Don't you just love Inka Gold? Thanks for sharing!

  23. Love your ribbon reel! Don't you just love Inka Gold? Thanks for sharing!

  24. I always tell myself that a messy desk is a creative desk (well that’s my story and I’m sticking to it) so you have nothing to apologise for Neil especially as it sounds as though you’ve been quite busy.

    Loving the ribbon reel too, I would never have guessed that it was cardboard.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog this week and leaving a message, it’s always much appreciated.

    Happy Crafting!

  25. Looks like there has been lots of interesting crafty goings on on your desk! The reel turned out great! Thanks for sharing.

  26. Hi Neil love your work desk, it looks as organised as mine. Great cotton reel and your stitching is fab.
    Happy crafting, Erika.

  27. Awesome space Neil and thanks for stopping by my blog this week.
    sam x

  28. Hi there Neil, thanks for popping over! sorry running late! my "end of weeks" seems to be very busy would be better if on Monday or weekend for me.. not worry better late than never, thanks for sharing your desk - love it so much interesting happening, as usual and love the post above with flowers and hero arts think it was! Happy belated WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x

  29. Wow! That looks like the real thing! What a busy desk you have! Wish I had all that space to play in! Patsy from

  30. It's true - a tidy desk is the sign of a sick mind. So, your mind is wonderfully healthy :) Love that reel too! Di x

  31. Awesome faux metal reel! Sorry I am so late getting around but haven't felt well this week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  32. I'm so late getting round this week, sorry about that.
    Your rusty reel is gorgeous Neil. I've just put one of those in the bin, must go and retieve it now!!
    Hugs Lisax

  33. Hiya! You have made me think I want to alter something???? :)....what I dont know yet...I hope something catches my eye or jumps off a shelve somewere on my charity shop hunts!!You think of some brill stuff to alter, very creative!


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