
Tuesday 26 July 2011

Grungy Monday 17 - Rock Candy

Hi there everyone.
I've piles of unfinished work all over the studio at the moment but I did find time to finish this tag for the Grungy Monday challenge over at Studio L3 hosted by Linda.
This week is one of my all time favourite products - Rock Candy Distress Crackle!  Tim's post and video is HERE if you want to take a look.

I started this tag ages ago but then did not finish it so I can't remember all the colours but there are browns, greens and purple distress stains in there .......
I took this and added mica gold 912 to it which is a lovely green gold and stamped using Mini Muse stamps from Stampers Anonymous.
Everything was then liberally slathered with rock candy crackle and left to dry! When dry I used barn door distress ink and blending tool to highlight the crackle and wiped off with a damp cloth.

I rubbed the mica gold over the back of a mini domino to highlight the dragon and attached to the tag and some gems added a bit more sparkle! To keep with the oriental theme that had developed I added a piece of chain with the oriental charm to the bottom.

Some of the crackle up close; it gives such an amazing texture doesn't it? I just love the stuff!
Hope you all have a lovely day and enjoy your creative journey........


  1. Stunning tag, I love all the beads at the bottom and the crackle is fantastic.

  2. Hi there, Im a new follower to your blog and I LOVE it. Its right up my street. Love this tag, absolutely brilliant. Thanks for sharing. Lee x

  3. Beautiful colors and you got such a great crackle! I am too impatient to really use this product well...I hate waiting for things to dry!

  4. Amazing tag. It almost looks like leather! The elements you've added just make it totally cool!

  5. Great crackle effect, love the sheen the mica gives the other colours in this tag.

  6. Great tag! I love the dandling jewels on this.

  7. I agree with StampDancer - this looks like leather! Really old and weathered leather. Fantastic. Love the oriental theme too. I've just got my first Distress Stains and looking forward to trying them. I think it's absolutely fantastic with the materials available to us these days, how we can transform plain old card into something totally diffeent! I'm so enjoying following your blog - always a great source of inspiration!


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