
Wednesday 20 July 2011

WOYWW? 111

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight; I think that should cover all the time zones of the magic carpet trip that is WOYWW; hosted as always; over at Stamping Ground.
Let's take a look at mine straight away.
So, this is the usual overview shot. Those astute may notice that the clear plastic drawers of last week on the right have been replaced with a wooden one (Oh, you didn't notice?!)

On the left are some of my "Treats" New amazing Katzelkraft stamps. Then some new Tim stamps.I had not seen the ATC labels stamp before, they are so so perfect for backgrounds and the larger labels had been on my "I need this" list for a while. ("want" can be substituted for "need" if required. I started a tag straight away as you can see..... and yes, I succumbed to the dinky little tape dispenser, actually Susan told me I HAD to get it, along with some tissue tape. I didn't want to argue and say no to her, after all we were at The Craft Barn and it's rude to make a scene in public so I just put it in the basket...... along with the pen nibs too.
And I've been looking for these face moulds for a while so was pleased to see them in Hobbycrafts.
In the middle there is a journal page, some stamped images ready to be used and a gorgeous owl that my daughter brought for me from Portugal. I love the colours, and mosaic detail.
Then I thought I'd show you the shelf behind me.
Pretty full of stuff that it easy to get to, but what I wanted to show you was this............
These rolls of "ribbon" are actually made up of tree bark; amazing textures which can be stamped on as well as inked. I saw it in an upmarket high street store on sale and just had to get it. I used a small piece on my journal page here if you want to take a closer look.
And, just a reminder, it's the last day to join in with my matchbox swap if you want to. Details HERE.
Have a fun creative morning, afternoon, evening and night all!


  1. Wow, those ribbons sound amazing must keep my eyes open for those. Lovely "lots" of stuff on your desk and around it, I particularly like the front cover of your book. Great colours.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet x #3

  2. Hi there! Thanks for commenting on my post, it's much appreciated :) Your workdesk is amazing - as a noncardmaker/scrapbooker, most of it is a complete mystery to me!! But I scrolled down to your previous post and oooh....that steampunk box. I have fallen in lurrve with the colour, the stamping, the cogginess of it all. Fantastic xx

  3. Oh! Love the book your working on... It's just Lovely!! Great work area!!! Love how you have everything put away but still very close at hand... A true must!!!

  4. Love the desk this week.That book looks fab and i must say tree bark ribbon looks amazing stuff never heard of it beofre,buit after looking im impressed!
    Have fab wedensday and creative week
    judex 8

  5. I always know I can get a New Tim Stash Fix here!!! You never disappoint.... love your new stash, and can't wait to see what you get up to with the bark ribbon, it looks fabulous.... Think I "need" some of that!!

  6. I feel so sick. I'm green. With jealousy. I WANT YOUR WORKSPACE!!! *lol*
    Such gorgeous 'stuff'... and I've been looking at those face moulds for some time too - thanks for letting us know that HobbyCraft has them.
    Have a wonderful WOYWW... though with that gorgeous space, I'm guessing you always do :D

  7. Your space is really looking like your creative hub now - just fabulous and so much artiness going on - looks wonderful - enjoy the goodies...
    Thanks for sharing today!


  8. For the first time ever I saw the Stampers Anon stamps here in Cape Town so I pounced on the flourish, I had a close look at the ones you got here, but my budget is blown for a few months after getting the Vagabond...the shop only had one of each design...we will have to see what is left next month...

  9. Hi ya
    luv looking round your work space so many goodies to catch the eye, luv the book on your desk, cute owl there to, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  10. Hello! Great workspace Neil! Love the Bark Ribbon, very unusual that will come in for loads eh! Really like the new stamps too & Tim's dinky little tape dispensers are fab, would love them all, however I fear my overdraft would spiral out of control :)

  11. When can I pop over to play Neil? I want to play in your room - just as well we know what we are on about!!!
    Love that bark ribbon - will have to keep a look out for that!

  12. Your desk is glowing with goodness. So many lovely things I am beginning to need. Thanks for sharing and have a creative week,
    JoZarty x

  13. You really DO have a neat and tidy work area. I'm really impressed with that tree bark ribbon. It looks awesome, especially since I've used real tree bark and you have to soak it, then hope it doesn't break on you before you get it on your art. Very nice! Happy WOYWW. At least I'm earlier getting here this week!

  14. Great pictures today - you're desk is perfect for producing those wonderful works of art - inspiring!! May I ask, where did you get the new Katzelkraft stamps from? I can't find them at the craft barn or on the Katzelcraft web page - or do you get a special preview set!!!

  15. Have had a very thorough snoop into every nook and cranny in all the pictures. Very creative space with everything nicely to hand. Great journal pages.


  16. Time for bed, this internet has taken the fun out of visiting. You have lots of photo graciouness. Noticed the new wood storage..dovetail corners ? Intriqued by the face moulds and love all the bits and pieces you have to be inspired by. Enjoy WOYWW

  17. Oh so much to look at at Neil, I dont know where to start first the owl is gorgeous and wondering when we will see you dip pen nibs in use? What impressed me totally with your great new space is that all so well organised, wish mine was... one day!! God bless, Shaz in Oz.x

  18. Oh those ribbns are gorgeous - Mr D would love o see them being used on my stuff. The tape dispenser - gimmick or good gadget? I see you've got Kuretake art pens too - I haven't used mine in ages..must look them out.

  19. *sigh* stop making me want to shop more ! My *want it* list reaches the floor now but my printer has given up the ghost after 10 faithfull years and its replaced me, well, making use of the chance to be fussy... digi stamps an all... arm and leg + a few toes.. But no more ironing to heat seal anything !!

    Love the journal page ! very touchy feely indeed.

    Re the tree bark.. Art van go has sheets of it in raw form, soaked in water then teased out into a fine net like mesh it makes an amazing texture under a tissue layer or on its own, dyes excellent too using both acid and natural dyes.

    Anyhoo, spose I'd best get a pic done and get mine up, late this week as we've been busy hosting tall ships & I've been busy selling out of journals !

    Have a great weekend playing with those new goodies


  20. great post with so many interesting things to see! love those new wooden drawers and all the new goodies you got. gorgeous journal page and that little owl makes me excited since i am going to portugal next month!


Hi, thanks for popping by my blog today. Your comments are important to me so please don't stop sharing them ! It's always great to hear what you think of what I share. I've had to stop anonymous comments because of spam getting out of control but please don't stop commenting if you are human!