
Wednesday 18 May 2011

WOYWW #102 with added wax

Hiya everyone
Still spinning my wheels and getting nowhere fast but always time to pop over to Stamping Ground to visit Julia and then onto the rest of the worlds desks!
Here's mine; didn't take long for it to get messy but not a huge amount to show (YET!) In the middle are two little bits but more on that later, the folded material is an art apron, at the moment just colourwashed but I have plans! On the RHS are some bits of WIP discards and dreams!
This is where I have homed my dies. The containers are metal so the movers and shapers attach nicely so I can see what's what......
So, yesterday I mentioned that I had been playing with some wax candles, these are the results
Now, I've not used wax before and don't have a melt pot so I kept it simple. This image I just popped some pieces of wax onto , heated with a gun and brushed over. Then when cool I used an embossing stylus to add some designs to the background and leaves. I have to say it gives a lovely look!

For this one I just melted wax onto the blank tag, stamped a seal into it. Melted more wax onto the mesh and onto the butterfly/moth....

Adding the flower and leaf just finished it off nicely.
So there you have it; my first foray into the world of beeswax. Definately not my last though!
Have fun wherever (and whenever) your wednesday is and be blessed today.......


  1. I bought some wax cos I saw Hels' demo it and made it look easy.... I do have a melt pot but haven't used it for ages so I must try one day. Great tag.

  2. Love the tag !

    I don't have a pot either, just use my heat gun & a brush or if im using mesh, i sandwhich it in a heat mat & iron (gets some awesome randomness happening if you also add a drop or two of distress inks)

    Your disk is tidy compared to mine !


  3. Hi Neil, Happy Wednesday!! Love the desk and that tag is beautiful, I never tried the wax thing, but your work is just beautiful with it..
    Hugs Norma

  4. I seriously love that tag. The flower is amazing with all the beads in the middle. Do tell how you made it.
    Hugs Joanne xx

  5. Great looks as though you have good light in your new area. Love the Wax idea. Your tag is terrific. Happy WOYWW and Enjoy the day

  6. Hi love your tag never tried working with wax looks interesting.
    Kathleen x

  7. Awesome wax work there Neil!
    Madame Taussaud will need to watch out :D I love the last one best... have some beeswax may need to play too - no melt post though..Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x

  8. Love your little dedicated die area, and you wax works look cool :D

  9. I have never played with wax before, though you have piked my interest. I love the look it gives.

  10. Love what you're doing! And I'm intrigued by that art appron. :) Happy WOYWW!

  11. Love that waxed tag it loofa great! I bet it makes one he'll of a mess though -not sure if I could cope!
    Would love to have a go though -somewhere other than my home!!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca (51)

  12. They are fabulous - I so must have a play with beeswax - I have seen that they sell it in my local Hobbycrafts so I am now wondering whether to nip there after the school run - I think you have inspired me! Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl No. 40

  13. Love the mess then saw the tidy bit! I too must play with wax... did a bit with Suze Weinberg last year and loved it.
    JoZarty x

  14. Great tag and "wax work " . Thanks for sharing

  15. Ah, gave my melt pot away, just couldn't get excited about it. Like the idea of wax though - and that tag is just scrummy. Your desk is full of interest - I didn't know that GA came in cute little bottles..and I like the way the apron coloured.

  16. Great works in progress! I enjoyed reading about how you were making wax work for you...I've not yet used that in anything I've made. Happy WOYWW!

  17. Love the die storage and your crafting - yours is certainly a space of creativity. x Hazel 130

  18. Gorgeous project i love beeswax and i dont use melting pot either just heat gun!
    Happy woyww have creative week


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