
Tuesday 17 May 2011

Back to the 70's with Try it on Tuesday

Hi there all you lovely people; it's time travel back to the 70's at Try it on Tuesday and looking at the design teams samples on the blog is a real treat!

For me, I think of pop art, all swirls and curves, a bit of paisley for good measure. Of course, me being so young and all; it's really just what I read in books .......... yeah right, believe that you'll believe anything!
So this week I revisited the time with this fab paper from Lawrence Llewellon Bowen. I cut and layered the flowers, stamped a LLB paisley image and splashed a bit of watercolour around!
Quick and simple but it has a real 70's feel to me.
Do pop over and join in the fun; i'd love to see your memories!

I've also been experimenting with a bit of beeswax for the very first time so hopefully i'll be back later today to let you see what i've been doing!


  1. Reminds me of the wallpaper my folks had in the living room when i were a kid lol, think you hit the 70's nail on the head.


  2. Definitely has that 70's vibe. The Beatles yellow submarine or the Scooby Doo van. All the psychedelia of swirls and flowers. You've captured it perfectly. I'm more gloomy in my memories as I think of the power cuts (the TV and lights going off at 8pm) Dad carpooling to work and streets full of litter plus having days off school when the teachers were on strike. Despite all that I'm sure I had a very happy childhood lol. Px

  3. Great card Neil. Definately 70's. Love how you added the bit of Paisley too. Very cool. Can't wait to see what you get up to with he BeesWax. Will have to check in later. Have a great creative day. Angela

  4. I remember having paper similar to this Neil,well cool, luv Georginax

  5. Nostalgic!!!The lounge in our first flat had three plain mauve walls (linning paper painted over) and the Chimney breast wall done in paisley patterned paper in pink and mauve similar to above. Very fashionable at the time and very 70's. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Mrs A.

  6. Oh Neil that paper reminds me of out lounge wallpaper int he early 70's in oranges yellows and browns,love the swirly roses too ... wow how the years pass! Shaz in Oz

  7. Great 70's feel to this card. I thik I read that book too! xx


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