
Sunday 3 April 2011

Blog Candy at The Stamp Man ........

Good morning world, the sun is shining, my head is full of ideas so all is well in my world! Browsing some of my favourite blogs this morning (Which is fast becoming as important as the first cup of coffee; but that's not a problem, is it?) I saw that The Stamp Man has some Tim Holtz goodness to give away to a lucky person. Now that's enough to perk my interest so I popped over; and sure enough, some great old and NEW T.H. stuff, so why don't you join in. The link is on my sidebar but also here it is now for you......

Now I need to take my daughters into town to pick up some bits and bobs so hopefully that will not take too long (wishful thinking on my part) and I will have time to create something nice..... so til later.
Have a good day

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