
Wednesday 30 March 2011


It's turning out to be a busy week for me but not too much to show you at the moment (Lots of secrets!) My desk today is full of stuff from last weekends amazing retreat and other bits and pieces that I am enjoying looking at so hopefully you will too!
See, all lovely things that I am loving looking at! There's my Tailor dummy, some buttons and flowers, all made this weekend, along with my notebook. Some atc's and gifts from some of the lovely people at the retreat.... let's take a closer look shall we....

Altered pins, buttons and flowers......

I just love this stamp from Tim Holtz (Umbrella man) though I do not have it so when I saw it at the retreat I just HAD to use it to do the cover of my notebook which was part of our kit. The purple flower pin was made by Linda for everyone to attach their name badge to. Next to that is a little booklet with chocolates made by Siobhon. And some atc's from Angela and Janet and Michelle.

I did this for the play date cafe challenge but was too late to post it.... darn time zones get me every time! I made the flower over the weekend using the Tattered florals die and denim. soaked in a weak pva glue solution and sprayed with shimmer so now it will keep it's shape nicely.
So that's my desk this week, more of a show and tell really but I hope you enjoy the peek!
So, head of over to Julia at Stamping Ground and join in the fun!
Be blessed in your art today!


  1. Gorgeous!! I still love your name badge!

  2. WOW am so loving the second picture they are fab :0)
    Great desk have been very busy.
    Kate x

  3. lovely to see close ups of your bits and bobs Neil and that card is Wow! Loving the colours and the Tailrers dunny looks great! Janet

  4. You have some truly beautiful pieces there, Neil.
    We should probably all go on a retreat occasionally, for a recharge!
    Sue xx 84

  5. I just had to come for a nosey for myself (Jill's told me all about you and WOW!!!!!!i'm blown away. Im so inspired again!!!
    Love Debbie xxx

  6. I love the things you've made. They are really beautiful. Specially the way you use the colours.
    Bye Franka

  7. Thanks for the close-up - I had quite the fun peek!

  8. great pics, and really lovely things you made on the retreat. Happy WOYWW - Caroline

  9. Just being nosey and they don't come much nosier than Loving everything I've seen. Annette

  10. Neil, guess what? I have got Mini Muse if you want it. Emma xx

  11. so many gorgeous creations, love the ATCs especially!
    Happy Crafting, Debxx

  12. Oh lovely. Would love to have some of this stash. And time zones totally agree just had one this AM missed it by an hour. We should put those world clocks on our sidebars. Your card is so pretty, you'll no doubt be able to use it another time. Thanks for the fun. Always a great stop.

  13. Neil your work is beautiful such care taken with every detail, you need to alter books, definately,

    Also, that retreat looks like it was amazing, thanks for your earlier visit to my desk,


  14. Gorgeous creations, Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a great WOYWW

    Hugs Marjo #22 oops thats 23

  15. Thanks for sharing all your goodies there Neil you did have fun and thanks too for tip on the weak PVA to hold flower shape.. love PVA so useful!! use it in my calligraphy al the time!.. glue size based on it!
    Sorry male card already found someone who wanted a male birthday card so it's out the door already.. but thanks for offer! :D
    Shaz in oz.x

  16. Great desk again Neil. Had a great retreat by the sound of it... Have a great week

  17. Awesome desk this week Neil! Love all the altered pins and buttons! Looks like you had a fun time at the retreat. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #83

  18. Loving all your piccys this week.Love the model all dressed to impress!lol
    That stamp by TH is one of my favs i always get stuck for male cards and gifts have used it few times and sure will again.Happy day
    judex 6

  19. LOVE those altered pins, buttons and flowers! Gorgeous!

  20. Gorgeous altered pins. Like the use of the dummy too and the colours and well everything really. Mrs A #16

  21. Love all you goodies on show this week - those altered pins, etc are gorgeous and thanks for the tip on how to treat the flower so that it will keep its shape. Hope your week has been good since WOYWW day. Elizabeth x #96

  22. what a lot of gorgeous projects to see on your desk today! that sure was a great retreat!

  23. Holy crap! Can I just come and play on your desk? It's way cooler than mine!

  24. Just catching up. Just been reading your above posts, now I really want to get inky!!(Instead of clearly out that spare room) I had one idea on how it was going to look, but now I'm liking your desk too. ((Very late last weeks woyww)


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