
Thursday 10 March 2011

I won an amazing prize!

Just a quick post to share my good news!
At about 4am I was up as I could not sleep and was idly wandering through some blogs on my list when lo and behold I discovered that over at Lovin Ink they had redrawn the entries for their massive givaway due to them being unclaimed and Mr Random drew my number out and I won a pair of tickets to their March Crafting Retreat! What an anniversary gift! I am still climbing down from the ceiling as you can imagine.....
So on the 25 - 27 March my wife and I will be up enjoying a weekend of crafting and fun with those lovely people at Lovin Ink.  (And it's the day after my birthday so what an incredible birthday treat for me.)
I am so looking forward to it and hopefully we will also get to pop into The Stamp Man and say hi.

Thanks guys for such a generous gift I am looking forward to meeting you. (Even though I am probably going to be the only guy there LOL lucky me!)

Anyway, i'll be back later to show you my anniversary gift to my wife. Till later, be blessed .... I certainly am


  1. Oh Congratulations Neil. What a wonderful surprise and so timely. Have a sensational time with your wife and all those other ladies! It is so nice to see such lovely talented people rewarded. Cheers, Kasey

  2. Wow Neil!!!You are so lucky!Congratulations!

  3. How marvellous for you both - happy anniversary - enjoy x

  4. congratulations, happy anniversary and happy birthday! blessings!

  5. Bet you both have a great time! Skipton is a lovely place to visit too! Don't take a satnav direction as gospel though when visiting the Stamp Man!! LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  6. Some things are meant to be! Wishing you both a wonderful time! Well deserved.xx

  7. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear all about it. I love retreats! I'm off to a 4 day one this coming Thursday. I can't wait to see my crafty friends! Wish your wife a Happy Birthday for me!

  8. Whoops! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

  9. Congratulations Neel and Happy Anniversary .

  10. Wonderful news. Congratulatins to both of you. I forgot to mention your Project for her is totally awesome. This will just add that extra flair of having some loving fun and excitement. I can see why you were so excited. Enjoy

  11. No wonder you couldn't sleep, intuition this is!


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