
Thursday 10 March 2011

Anniversary "card" as promised

Hi there everyone. As I said earlier; i am back to show the "card" I made for Susan to celebrate our 21st wedding anniversary ..... you'll understand why i used ""
Here it is
I suppose you could say that this is the envelope!
Inside is the card
Which is in fact a small booklet!

I like the way it came out; especially since I was not sure what I was going to do when I began!
Now I just need to write it and wrap the pressie then tidy up the mess I made........

Just in case you want to know; the box is painted in bronze paint, sides are covered in Crafty Individuals Paper and inked in aged mahogony. Gold and copper leaves (Well, plastic metal!) embossed and coloured with Alcohol inks. Burgundy roses and gold chain to finish.
I made the card with colourwash a while ago, accordian folded and cut to size and glued to make the pages. The cover is copper embossed (Plastic) and inked with AI. The metal letters inked too and attached with brads.
Just a bit of random stamping on the pages, some adage sentiments, old book paper (from Wordsworth's poems- an old book I picked up)
I'm sure she'll like it so cheerio for now.
Be blessed


  1. Just awesome,i wish my old man could make me something like that......!! Your wife is a lucky lady !!!
    chris richards

  2. Love the look and all the inks used-great look and I am certain your wife was pleased:)

  3. Wow, that's amazing! What a wonderful keepsake to celebrate your anniversary.

  4. What a Sweetheart you are. Congratulations, She will love and cherish it I am sure. Enjoy your time together.

  5. A wonderful present for your dear wife. Annette

  6. This is lovely ... so thoughtful!

  7. This is just beautiful - an everlasting card! Your wife is one very lucky lady. (hope her hand gets better soon, I've just been reading back over your blog posts!)

  8. Well how lovely and very romantic. I am sure it will be treasured. Thanks you so much for the lovely comment you left on Crafty Individuals blog about my canvas frame. It really is appreciated. Sue.

  9. When did you do all this!? Did you get any sleep?

  10. OMG! She is going to love it! It's gorgeous!

  11. How could she not like it?? This is amazing !!

  12. This is an amazing gift. She will love it!

  13. Aw Happy Anniversary, what a wonderful keepsake! Oh and congrats on your crafty prize! how fab... enjoy!

  14. Happpy Anniversary to you and your wife!!! what a BEAUTIFUL keepsake you made for her!!! LOVE IT!!

    CONGRATS on your "retreat" fabby is that!! Have a WONDERFUL time!!

  15. Wow, when did a wife ever get such an amazing anniversary gift? Definitely beats jewelry in my book - LOL! You did an exquisite job on it and I'm sure it will be a treasured keepsake. Totally gorgeous! Congrats on 21 years!

  16. Neil, that's the most amazing anniversary "card" - I bet she was thrilled. A belated congratulations on your 21st wedding anniversary. We celebrated our 25th in May - if you hop over to my blog you can see what I made my hubby.

    I'm having such fun exploring your brilliant blog! I really like your work - it's so inspiring.


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