
Sunday 3 March 2019

And so it begins.

Good evening friends.
If you saw my last post you know that on Friday I took the plunge and opened my Etsy shop for business. This was something I have wanted to do for a long time now but to be honest, was nervous about so kept putting it off.

I will also be honest here and confess that I wasn't expecting much to happen as Etsy is a massive place and I am a very small person lol.

So sitting here this Sunday evening I cannot tell you how exciting it is to be able to say that I have had three sales this weekend! How cool is that? In addition to that, 9 lovely people have added my little store to their favourite shops list which means that they must like what I do enough to want to keep up to date....

I feel blessed beyond measure that people have chosen to spend their cash and support me so first thing tomorrow i'll be at the post office sending two journals off across the water to the United States and another one to London. Happy happy days.
Last week I also sold two journals to someone local too, one even before I had finished it. I am so happy.

Of course, I would love it if you popped on over for a closer look. Just follow the link below

Now after all this fun I am back to getting dusty over at the house again but I will be back with another post soon, this one is all about another change I am making too, I don't recognise myself some days with all these changes lol
Take care my friends and I'll see you soon.

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