
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Squeezing time.....

Good evening folks.
As you possibly know, my recent life has been taken up with the fact that we decided it was a good idea to buy a fixer upper ....well the last few months have seen me "destroying the place" in my wife's words. Though I have been exhausted I still have been squeezing a little time in the evenings to have a little creative time. Unfortunately the place I was staying at had a pretty slow internet connection so I didn't have the patience to wait ages for each photo to load, hence the quietness here.
But here for your delectation are some of the fruits of my labours.......

 This was a fun journal to make. I raided my paper stash to create a "Mixed Media" journal using black, white and water colour card, Vintage sea charts and papyrus. The covers are using my Ancient kit and some Andy Skinner elements.
 I was very pleased with the end result.
 So happy that I made another couple with the same mix of pages.

Another fun little set were these two canvas covered water colour books. Stamped with my butterfly stamp and further decorated with some of my mask designs.
 The butterfly has been covered with DecoArt Liquid Glass which gives it a lovely raised gloss finish but still remains fully flexible when dry making it perfect for items that need to be able to move.

I had more fun creating a couple of these heart journals too. Using what I decided to call my "Frankenstein Stitch" to reduce the cover canvas slightly. Again, I have used one of my stamps and Liquid glass.

Slowly and surely I am building up stock....... and having a lot of creative fun along the way too.
Hope you all have a good creative time and i'll catch you later.

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