
Tuesday 12 June 2018

New beginnings.....

Hi folks.
I trust that this finds you all well.
I think it's time to bring you up to date with my life, as this year has so far not gone according to plan.
I started 2018 with high hopes and optimism like I think most of us do. New Year, New Beginnings etc etc.
Unfortunately that didn't last long as early in January we were informed at work that two tiers of their management structure were being removed, mine being one of them.
As you can imagine this was pretty unsettling for a lot of people and before I really could get my head around this, my mother passed away unexpectedly. This was followed by a few other things which I won't bore you with but it has been a very difficult few months.
To cut a long story short, I have indeed now been made redundant and am now looking to a future that is substantially changed from what was imagined at the start of the year which is, to be truthful, a bit of a scary place to be in....

So my wife and I have had some long discussions about what our future could look like and have come to the conclusion that this situation will give us to make a pretty large lifestyle change.....

So, instead of freaking out and job hunting  we have chosen to embrace the uncertainty and explore the possibilities of a fully creative life.

What does that mean? Well, initially it means that I will be exploring ways to generate an income from my passion so over the coming months I will be looking at selling both my finished journals as well as developing gift kits etc. I will be looking for further teaching opportunities where I can share my passion for journal making and decorating......
So, along with a few other things still in the pipeline it is looking to be an interesting second half of the year.
But by far, the biggest change will be that we plan to move to the other side of England.  Our very own Escape to the Country LOL.

So, I am going to be spending more time creating and sharing my journey to a simpler, more creative lifestyle with you guys.

So, let me a least leave you with one photo since I have spent all this time blabbering away and you may be how about a couple of fun pics.....


  1. Good luck with your move and your 'new life' I hope it all goes well

  2. Not what you would have chosen to do but good luck with all your changes. It may well turn out yo be the best things you ever did. Mrs A.

  3. It is sad that you have been through so much already this year but I hope that you and Susan embrace this opportunity you have to make the big changes and that it all comes about as smoothly as possible. Enjoy your journey x

  4. Everything will be fine, this will be frightening and challenging at the same time, I know it. I wish you and Susan all the best!


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