
Sunday 6 May 2018

Did I tell you?

Hi folks.
Hasn't it been a lovely day?
My daughter always shares a sentiment on a Sunday; something along the lines of "Sunday isn't proper unless you waste it and then start to panic around 9pm"
Well that is me today. I had all grand intentions but ...........

Still it was a wonderful day and I hope you all had one too. Unfortunately I am back at work tomorrow so no extra lie in possible.

I just wanted to pop on though and share the exciting news that I was asked to be a part of my good buddy Mark Gould's new DT for his new Stamps, available from Chocolate Baroque.
I'd love it if you popped on over to meet the rest of the team and say hi......
 Click HERE to pop on over.
Tomorrow, Monday 9AM UK time will be the first post (not from me) and then a new post every Monday. I am looking forward to seeing how I can push and stretch myself creatively as a part of this team.
In the meantime, here's a teaser picture of something I'm doing...

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