
Sunday 20 May 2018

A quick(ish) little DIY

Good evening friends.
It has been another busy few weeks around here. I am finding it difficult to get my head round the fact that in less that three weeks my job will cease to one sense it has felt like it has taken forever for them to process the redundancies and in another sense it feels like it's hurtling towards me at a dizzying rate of knots!

So, soon I will have to make some choices, try to narrow down our dreams and plans for the future... one thing I do know is that there will be some pretty drastic changes in the future.

But, closer to hand is the fact that next Saturday, May 26th, you will find me back at the Angel Centre in Tonbridge  at the Artisan Craft and Gift Fair.

So, today I decided to have a bit of a tart up of the white shelves I used to display some of my books last month.
I wanted something different and as my table colours are greens generally I kept to greens and blue undertones using DecoArt Chalk Paint..

The background is a vintage shipping chart. I love that they have handwritten notes on them.

Everything has been covered and "splashed" with a bitumin and spirit solution to age the colours and the map too.

It was a fun little project and I look forward to setting it all up next weekend and if you are in the area do pop along and say hi!

Of, course I need to have some new books too so here's a peek at a couple of new ones..... More details in a separate post later lol.

Enjoy the rest of you evening folks.

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