
Thursday 7 December 2017


Hi there everyone.
I trust this finds you well, thank you for popping on by.
Thought I'd just share some of my recent decorating photos. I still have some detail work to do but to be honest I usually rope Susan in to do it as she has a much steadier hand than I do.
I started the stairs ages ago but I recently took a week off to paint and decorate the rest, the entrance, walls and top landing.
Of course, me being me, I complicated things by deciding to create a textured effect on the lower section of the walls. Then I decided to lift the carpets so I had to sand and varnish the wooden floor and paint and stencil the bottom concrete floor. I don't make life easy for myself. I am, however, over the moon happy with the end result which makes it all worth it.
Hope you enjoy the end result too.

 To create the texture I used tissue paper, something us crafters use quite often, this was on a much larger scale though lol.

 I do love the stairs, they have stencil work on the edges and I added some word stickers.

 We've an eclectic selection of vintage sieves, a clamp and deer horn shelf  going up the stairs.
 They form shelves to display some of our smaller sculptures and other vintage ephemera.
 Just catching the light you can see "veins" of variegated metals, created with gilding flakes.

 The concrete floor has been simply painted with some stencil work running along the edges.
A detail showing some of the textured finish. All in all there are around six layers to this as I had to just keep going until I reached the effect I was after.
I am glad it's almost finished though, I was losing the will to live closer to the end.
Take care and have a lovely day.


  1. Gosh you have done such a lot and it looks wonderful ! I do admire your collection of sieves, they look fantastic on the wall

  2. Love it, what a good idea. Congratulations!!!


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