
Wednesday 30 August 2017

Catching up.....

Hi there folks.
we have just returned from a glorious couple of weeks away, spending some time with our daughter and her partner, a city break in Edinburgh and time in our favourite cumbrian, lakes and dales.....
As always it is back to work and reality with a bang. The lawn was a meter high, the cats looked at us with disdain and the laundry, well you get the picture I am sure.
I also have a mountain of photos to look through and sort out.
This evening I thought I would take the opportunity to pop on and say hello and share a tin I altered a while back. I was looking through my pics and realised that though I have not done as much creating as I used to I do have a number of projects that I have done and not shared.
I picked up this metal tin from a charity shop and began by adding a card to the lid to act as a base for the rest. I used some texture paste through my Tangled Yarn mask and began to layer up a collection of random bits.The advantage of collecting things and making embellishments is that I have tonnes to choose from. The plaster angel was one of a pair I found a few years ago.

Once everything was dry I sprinkled and spritzed a wide selection of Infusions and water. I love this stuff. I repeated the process a few times, allowing drying time in between.

Finally I highlighted areas with gilding waxes and paint to bring out more details. The edge of the lid has this super cool feathered and beaded trim. I have to force myself to use these beautiful things sometimes because I find them at antique and vintage fairs and you never know when or if you will ever find similar again. But I keep reminding myself that I bought them so their beauty can be used and seen in my art.

I wrapped the base in decorative metal and copper tape to add interest.

Hope you like.
Take care and have yourselves a creative time.

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