
Sunday 11 September 2016

Round up time.

Hi folks.
It's been a while again. It was a manic few weeks trying to train up a replacement for my role at work. Then straight into a much needed two week holiday ! As Susan was still in South Africa I wandered my way up to Liverpool and had a thoroughly wonderful week staying with my cousin and exploring a myriad of places both new and old.
 Crosby Beach
 The Ice Cream Farm
 Coffee break in Cheshire
 Bee ing happy at Ness Gardens

New Brighton.

Not much crafting was achieved, though I managed to do a little painting of furniture for my cousin,
Then it was a midnight drive back down to Kent to pick Susan up on her return, a couple of days relaxing before heading back up to Liverpool, this time taking Alyssa up as she has moved up there.
Back again just in time to go back to work, this time in a new role. Now the week is done and I'm getting ready to start the new.
I have my evenings back which is a real treat and this evening I have spent a few hours sorting and tidying the studio so hopefully it won't take too long before normal creative service resumes......
So you can see what happened with these........

and this........
Catch you later guys.

1 comment:

  1. Well done. We need a little time off to recharge our batteries!!!


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