
Wednesday 13 January 2016

Life's a bit of a pressure cooker.

Good morning friends.
Assuming that there are still some of you who haven't given up on me yet!  I know it's been a desert here for a while. I had really hoped to get off to a good start after Christmas but my wife was ill so it was a couple of weeks of doctors everyday (that or hospital) so all good intentions came and went. Fortunately she's on the mend now and I have had the rare treat of a week off so am playing creative catch up!

So, first things first. Sunday saw the launch of The Craft Barn's Annual Craft Challenge. All the details can be found HERE. This due we've decided to revisit by popular request The Alpha challenge so every two weeks will be a new letter.

This year I decided that I was going to create Neil's Arty Farty Bookshelf for my alphabet. My idea was that each word would be something that relates to art or artists. So each book begins with the definition of the word and then I can dip in and out of them throughout the year adding bits that I come across that inspire me and link to the word.

So I needed 26 little books......

 26 inners ready.
and then they needed covers so I hauled out my Vagabond and a pile of embossing folders.

 Job done!

The first letter of the challenge is B so I chose Bohemian.
 I coloured the covers with Fossilised Amber and Blueprint Sketch Distress ink
 I used some of the Seth Apter stamps, love these.
 A Sweet Poppy stencil
 And my Wonky Street mask to sort out the definitions

 It was fun to do and I look forward to adding to my collection over the year.
It should be fun so why don't you join in?

So, as I am sure you are still reeling from the shock of me actually posting again I won't overwhelm you so I'll say cheerio and I'll be back tomorrow.........
Take care folks.


  1. So glad to hear your wife is on the mend. I'd say you've had your priorities right. I'm delighted to read whenever you can write. (I sip scribe so I get a notice whenever you post.)

    I love those little books!!! What a great approach. I be waiting for the next one in a few weeks.

  2. Those little books are fantastic Neil....will have to give it a go...can be added to my 'to do' list for 2016...which is gradually growing longer by the minute....

  3. So sad that Susan has been so ill, send her a hug from me and sending some heeling love to her. I am amazed you have had time to do anything so creative, well done. xx

  4. Hi Neil, these are so sweet. Can't believe you made 26 little books but they are so cool. What a gorgeous set. Love the embossing folder covers. I have so many embossing folders sadly underused. Must dig them out. Love your B. Looking forward to seeing your set develop. Hugz

  5. These are amazing Neil and I look forward to seeing them grow!!!!! x

  6. Hello, Neil. I'm sorry to hear your wife was so ill and am glad she's better now. I hope the rest of this year treats you and your family to good health, joy, and lots of opportunities for creativity. It's always a treat to see what you're up to, and these books are amazing. I might give this a go myself. Blessings to you and your family.

  7. Oh, what a start to the year for you but I hope 2016 improves soon. At least your creativity has been thriving. 26 books what a challenge!
    Hope Susan gets back to full good health asap. Sending love and best wishes,
    Jo x

  8. These are really amazing Neil. And 26 of them!!!! Great to see your process and thrilled that you incorporated some of my stamps. Thank you!


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