
Monday 31 August 2015

The Artistic Stamper Birthday Bash.

Good morning friends.
On Saturday Susan and I popped down to the Artistic Stamper near Faversham as it was their 3rd birthday bash.
There were make and takes, so we did a couple of those.

 A yummy looking birthday cake and a raffle....
 Loads of inspiration around.
 Our Make n Takes....

 Of course, Susan had some fun shopping....
 She also discovered Jennie's extensive Graphic 45 selection. And this gorgeous ribbon.
 I was pleased to see this set of tag dies too.
It was a lovely morning, there was a BBQ laid on so we had a scrummy burger too. It was great to spend some time there chatting with fellow crafters and we look forward to next year!

We then headed off down to the coast and spent a bit of time in Whitstable before parking ourselves off at Reculver to relax. Susan with her crochet and me with my sketchbook....

Not forgetting the Coffee and muffins.....

1 comment:

  1. looks like a great day out - and the best weather of the weekend!


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