
Tuesday 11 August 2015

I'm back! (Sort of, anyway)

Good morning everyone.
It's been a long time since my last post. Over the last couple of months life took over, which, coupled with some health issues, seemed to just drain my time and creative energy away.
Still, hopefully I've turned the corner now and it's time to fan the dull embers of my creative life back into a flame!
I haven't a lot to share with you creatively today, but I have managed to do a few little bits......
A while ago, my daughter wanted to make a set of cufflinks for someone special so to keep her company I made a couple of pairs too.

They were fun to do. I raided my pile of watch parts and used DecoArt's Liquid glass as the glue.
As you can see, a flower press made the perfect holder to keep them stable and flat as I worked.

I also acquired a new addition for my studio.........I can't quite decide on his name yet, any ideas?
 I made some tags to send to my mother in SA. These are Viva stamps onto watercolour card and most of them are coloured with Distress Markers.
This last Sunday saw me back at The Craft Barn for a class working with DecoArt Fluid Acrylics, Interference paints and glazes to create a little canvas and a tag. which was an enjoyable day.

There you have it; a few signs of creativity. Hopefully I can keep the momentum going and get cracking on some of the ideas rattling round in my brain.
Take care folks and I hope you have yourselves a good and creative day.


  1. Hi Neil,
    I always enjoy popping in on your blog. I hope that you are feeling better soon. Have had the health issues going on here too. The creative juice is now back with a vengence. Just take it slow and and it will be full steam ahead before you know it!

  2. SO good to see you back :) I hope things calm down very soon. . .:)

  3. We all take a break every once in a while to recharge and wicked stuffed crow "Midnite" could work as a name. Glad to see your back and feeling better
    hugs Nikki

  4. Glad you're back. Creating is the best medicine. Love those links and the steampunk item. You really inspire me. Thank you

  5. It's lovely to see you back Neil - I hope you continue to get better :-D
    Your cufflinks are fabulous - you are always so creative and such an inspiration. :-) I wish I could join your workshops :-D

    IKE xxx

  6. Hi Neil, please may you continue to feel better!!!!! I am loving your cufflinks! Its a shame hubby doesn't use them these days. As for your crow...well....although I am not into stuffed birds I can see that he is a rather magnificent crow and beautifully done! I can't think of anything fancy to call him so would probably stick with Fred haha x

  7. It was good to do a class with you again Neil, we all enjoyed it. Keep on getting better. By the way, I'd call the crow Samuel.
    See you again soon.

  8. Hope you are feeling better now, Neil. What an interesting post (as usual!). The cuff links are stunning, as are the tags and the gorgeous butterfly at the end. They all look as if they are enjoying the class immensely. I'd love some more info about the interference paints you use! So beautiful!



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