
Tuesday 9 June 2015

Nice busy weekend

Good morning friends.
It's been a busy weekend crafting for me. On Friday I was at The Craft Barn for my Advent Wreath Class which was great fun. Getting mucky with Brushos to create a gorgeous wreath with a contemporary feel.
 We had a production line going making the bags using the We Are Memory Keepers Punch Board. Colouring effects with Brushos. Adding some stamping and some bling with embossing enamels.

 I'll be honest, this was a big project so we didn't get everything assembled on the day but everyone had a good time creating the bags that will make up the wreath.

Then I was back on Sunday when I was demoing as part of The Craft Barn Summer Festival.

 All neat and tidily set up for the day.

 The talented John Lockwood setting up.
 I was demonstrating colouring techniques using DecoArt Fluid Acrylics and Interference paints along with the fab Viva silicone stamps. Then, to make it more fun for the visitors, everyone had the chance to have a go too.

 As expected, by the end of the day, I had made a delightful mess and had a host of tags made up.

In the last part of the afternoon I managed to get a card finished too! Using the stamps and paints to create the background and embellished using one of the tags.
It was a good day and I'd like to express my thanks to Ian and Sandy at The Craft Barn for hosting such a fabulous event and to all the visitors who stopped by to say hi and join in the fun; it was lovely to see and chat to you all. Then on Monday it was back to work. Luckily I have a short week as I head up to Liverpool/Preston for my daughter's degree show. One proud daddy, though I find it hard to believe it is time for her to graduate already!
Hope you all have a good and creative week too.

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