
Friday 15 May 2015

Bottle bag.

Good evening folks.
I hope you are all well. It's been a busy week for me at work so I was really looking forward to my day off today. After popping over to The Craft Barn to drop something off (and a little browse of course !) I have had a busy day in the studio working on samples for the June demo day and finishing off one of my PHD's.....(Projects Half Done) So all in all it was a good day.
This morning, over at The Craft Barn Blog HERE, I have a bottle bag project using DecoArt So Soft Paints. This was one of the projects I enjoyed doing. I won't bore you with all the steps as I really would love you to pop on over to see how it was done; but here are the pics of the finished article.

DecoArt's So Soft Fabric paints are great to work with; the blend beautifully with water but keep a great colour tone which makes it so much easier to work with too.
I also used my new favourite stamps. Silicone stamps from Viva. I am so pleased to have discovered stamps that are a little different which I enjoy using. (and cost effective too as they are generally less than a fiver a set!)
Right. I'd better get off to bed; another busy day tomorrow. Catch you later......

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant, I did see this over on fb. The steps have come our great on the material


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